Intentional Z-fighting

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Is it possible to make it so two objects are purposely z-fighting? Normally it's rather annoying in maps, but I was thinking that if placed correctly in a dark infection map, it could give the effect of a light flickering in the room/hallway.
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Z-fighting is usually given a negative connotation, any use of it will be seen negatively, even when used correctly.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    That's actually a very intriguing idea. The only thing is, one cannot illuminate an object simply by having Z-Fighting. You'll need a light source still, but the idea would be pretty cool, if implemented cautiously and correctly.
    #3 Black Theorem, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I was thinking it could be put in a hallway along with a red light. It would give the map the feeling that an alarm went off, and the power to the overhead lights is skewed.
  5. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Well, the technique that is used to correct z-fighting could also be used to create z-fighting. You could try having both object flush against a brace, setting one of them to not spawn at start, and then double tapping the other. Save and quit until you get the desired results. Or you could just use tin cups, those things love to z-fight.
  6. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Yes, a map I have made, Telekinesis, has intentional z-fighting. The z-fighting gives the appearance that the centerpiece is "spinning". Even though it wasn't intentional at first, I liked the result, so I kept it. With a light, I'm not sure, that's actually a good question, I'd like to see if this can be done.
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Itd won't be possible with a light, however blue and red columns would work nicely... The light just won't though because the light is going to be put ount no matter if its merged and inside or outside (if that makes any sense)
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Well I was think that the pieces that make up the hallway would be z-fighting, not necessarily the light, but it would be interesting if that was possible (the z-fighting light that is).
    RC, I don't quite see what you saying, unless you're talking about merging the light with the wall or something..?
    It'd be pretty cool to merge a blue and red light so they begin to z-fight though..
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The blue and red light will simply overlap their light to make a purple light, they won't Z-fight and flicker for you.

    What he's saying with the columns is you can get the red and blue from the columns to Z-fight and it will flash red and blue and probably look pretty cool.
  10. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Stupid me, I see that all the time (red and blue light). But that would give an interesting effect with the collumns. Though it might get annoying if it's placed in a frequently used area in a competitive map.
  11. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I've noicied that sometimes objects placed in a specific spot are darker than others. if you could isolate this and make it so that you had the lighter shade of object z-fighting with a darker version of the same thing this may work.
  12. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    YouTube - Goku Vs Vegeta Best Fight

    You mean like this?

    For serials, I think if you really wanted this effect, this is the only way to really go about it. However, I don't think it'd be that great. It's just too sporadic for it to give off any intentional-looking effect. It'd probably just end up being harmful to the aesthetics of a map.
  13. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I feel like this would be sweet if you were able to pull it off good, but you will need to get it perfect, and explicitly state that the Z-fight was intentional.
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    This is something dangerous that your are playing with. People often for see forge flash as something bad and poor forge work. If you do this I would suggest perfect work any where else on the map. And make it so shy of a trick that it would only when people take a good look that they see it.

    Flooring is ruled out for the reason that it can be confusing for weapons and mixing up what you are picking up.

    Biggest thing is get it to work and most people will see your idea and how effective it will be.
  15. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Well I dont know what z-fighting is but I know a really good effect you can do to make a long scary walkway. Place a fx gloomy on the map and make a hallway(made out of tubes) outside onto the dunes and opposite a guardian tower the guardians will try to shoot you but because your inside the tube they wont be able to get you but you will get this sort of mini explosion from the guardians that will give you light. Where ever you walk a constant flashing light that will follow you. Ive tested it out and it works but the only problem is i havent tried it with more than one person so I dont know if the will follow multiple people at once. Other than that it looks really cool Hope this helps and is relevant.

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