Vertical Cover

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xxINFERNOxx, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    Has anybody thought about using creating a game where you have to use vertical cover to get to your enemy? Now, I don't really know how this would work, but that's what you guys are for! :) I would like to see what ideas can come up with. And maybe suspend a wraith on tincups facing downward as a sort of objective for the humans to get to and destroy. Yes! infection, that would work! I now have the perfect idea! Anyways feel free to post your ideas here.
    Don't worry, i won't bite (maybe)
  2. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    What's vertical cover?
  3. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    That's exactly what I'm think except with a WTF in the front.
  4. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    haha, ok, i think i need to explain this more. Do you guys subscribe to OXM? Because if you do there was this game preview for this game that used "vertical cover." When I was reading it, I was like "wow, this is a freaking badass concept."

    What it is, is that you take cover on jagged pieces sticking literally out of the side of a cliff or mountainside and use them as cover pieces. From this point of view, which is WAY cool, you have to shoot up at your enemies above you, popping your head out, similar to gears of war. You can jump from cover to cover, also similar to gear of war. Now, remember, this is all on a cliff and your staring up at your enemies and below is your death.

    If we could somehow create this in halo 3, it could possibly be the Most epic forge-gasm of all climaxes, AM I RIGHT?!

    Oh and also if I were to make a flgame based off this, it would definetly be infection and the humans objective would be to get to the zombie and zombie would have a wraith or ghost stuck on tincups facing downard at the humans. The more I think about it though, it doesn't seem that promising, I'll definately have to do some testing with ideas.
    #4 xxINFERNOxx, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    that sounds like a pretty good idea but I wouldnt classify as a forge-gasm. I might see what I can do with this idea and I'll post back here soon.
  6. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    For one, it'd have to be infection, and the zombies climbing the wall would have to have more shields, because right now, you have the people on top with an extremely unfair advantage. Another problem with this is that you can't shoot straight up. Not exactly the forge-gasmly best idea ever, but it could work. I'd like to see it when it's done.
  7. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
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    Its not as good as it sounds. I've helped make a map like this but it didn't workout to well. It was too hard climbing the levels without being killed or weakened
  8. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    It's doable. I can see it working on the big hill on Sandbox or just making a man-made one. I'd do it if I wasn't in the middle of a map, but it would be pretty cool.
  9. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    i've been experimenting with the physics of tincups and so far, every vehicle except for the
    both warthogs (machine and gauss),
    and the ghost

    Stick to the tin cups. If you interlock two tin cups on top of eachother, it creates enough force to keep a tank or wraith grounded, creating a 360 degree mortar! The only problem is that if you have it mounted vertically, it becomes non-operable, making you get out and have to flip it. But, if you have it at a 70 degree angle or so, then you can still be it driving...the only problem with this is that you can't really physically aim your cursor down parallel to 70 degrees for some unknown reason.

    I've found the game that uses the vertical cover! It's called YouTube - Dark Void - Gameplay Trailer 1
    #9 xxINFERNOxx, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Vertical cover is a construct included in the majority of Forge maps. Don't be misled and assume the term 'cover' to have a defined physical representation. In different scenarios, geometry can have different purposes, and sometimes be inferred as cover. Vertical cover is merely an obstruct between a vertical line of sight.

    The idea of creating a map that uses vertical-based combat primarily if not exclusively is however a good one indeed. I have seen many concepts of maps that have tried this, but not so many that have made it into Forge. Take in mind that players aren't used to vertical combat. I for one don't find it very enjoyable to be trampled on from above, nor do i to be the one doing the trampling.

    I do remember a map on Avalanche released that was like a cliff-face, where players had to fight upwards to capture the Flag. You could look into that, but i'll leave you be with the unwavering opinion that vertical combat on the whole is not fun. Instead players should navigate vertically, and fight horizontally, ala Construct.
  11. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    thanks for the thoughtful reply matty, perhaps you should watch the youtube i've provided to give you a better understanding of "vertical cover". Although, now that I think about it, i suppose it really isn't possible to accomplish this in halo becuase your character will always be standing up, no matter what. *sigh* But maybe, just maybe, it can be done with the proper idea in mind to execute it.
  12. SaytanicHorde

    SaytanicHorde Ancient
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    I'm not sure of how well this would work or how to even do it, but if we could make a normal map but give the players the impression of walking "up" or "down" a cliff face would be really cool. Maybe make everything else in the map comletely sideways or something, i dont know. But you would still be standing and walking normally, but all the other scenery is sideways, forming the "up' or "down" walking impression. What do you think? I'll get started on something like that.
  13. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    hmmm...seems plausible. Scenery sideways? explain more please. Send me a friend request, i'll be on this weekend and we can chuck very heavy, dense ideas at eachother lol.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I was thinking about the wraith part, and I think you could get the wraith to shoot straight down if you were to put it at the top, but shooting straight up is another story.

    You could have the zombie start off on the top of an straight up wall, (somehow get a spawn point/wraith up there.) Then the zombie would enter the wraith and it would start to get pushed back inside the map as all movable objects do when near the barrier. Then just under the wraith on the side of the wall would be tin cups geomerged so that they would be able to hold a wraith. This can be better explained by a picture


    So the zombie gets in the wraith and drives off the edge, hits a wall and is pushed up against the tin cups, which then sticks it in place. The reason i believe this will work is because if you were to stick the wraith there at the beginning of the game it would simply say "Press 'B' to flip wraith" and you would never be able to enter. But by entering it and then getting it stuck you should be allowed to remain in the wraith.

    Its hard to explain, i can go in greater detail, just ask.
  15. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    IF you get this to work... I could see a revamp of Wraith mini games and Cat and mouse just got a bit more interesting.
  16. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    Y00 Cann Haz Ep1Cz DieAgRauM (What program did you use?) Anyways, as i said in my earlier post, it isn't possible for the cursor of the wraith to aim past 180 degrees (for you n33wbies that's horizontal).

    Another idea i had was to use a prowler (for it also sticks to tin cups) and the zombie would have to get in the turret. I think this might solve the problem the cursor not moving far enough down.

    Keep the ideas coming guys! I'm always interested to hear your ideas. If you want, you can always send me a friend request: GT= Xii ShoGuN (My friends list is becoming mighty full, however, so if it doesn't go through, don't fret, I will delete all "Last online 5 years ago" ASAP.)
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It will aim past 180, but not by much.

    Personally i think that idea is glitchy and can be potentially flawed. It would work much better if the Wraith was a good distance away, firing against the cliffs. That way it could hit any potion of the cliff equally, and with an equal amount of time, so people wont be getting stuck at the last obstical when they are point blank with the Wraith.

    You could also have the Wraith on a fixed and unreachable high position, and then later into the game spawn floor pieces that allow it to move closer to the cliff, increasing the challenge.
  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    theres a game sort of like this exept no cover, the one where you are in the skybuble shooting rockets at the ground, it is the same concept but no cover =s but this would be a mini game not infection. Or there is games like predator where there is actual infection and the guy is above you and most of the stuff you hide under not behind due to the fact he is above you.
  19. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    ok i know its not directly related to this post, but what do you mean sticking to tin cups? have i missed something huge o_O?
  20. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    Definitely agree with you.

    Matty this could be a good idea, but it takes away from the feel that I'm going for. Watch the video and you'll understand.

    Or maybe not even have a wraith just have regular zombies who are weaker than the humans and have plasma pistols and magnums as they're primary and secondary. When they shot the plasma blast, this would encourage humans to take cover or else they would become one shot and open for a headshot with the pistol.

    Actually, I have a better idea, why not make it a VIP variant for it? You can set up VIP pretty the same way as an Infection variant. The only twist would be that the humans must survive in order to capture the objective on top. I would just make the VIP have the same traits as humans. Is it possible to have more than one VIP on a single team? Because if it is, than i could make everybody on the humans side be VIP's so that if anybody on the human side reached the top, they would capture it with no troubles, intstead of having someone reach the top, only to not capture it because they're not VIP.

    Ok, so I just made a gametype for all we need is a map lol. The idea actually is seeming possible now, because before, i was questioning if it would even work.

    It literally means that you can stick vehicles to tin cups. There's is some kind of magnetic force that attracts some of the vehicles to them, weird, i know. And the more of them you interlock together, the more magnetic force it produces. For example, two tin cups is able to station a wraith in place.
    #20 xxINFERNOxx, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009

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