Alright, So I'm pretty far into my work on some maps but there's one that I just can't seem to finish. I've looked through the "forgemates" forum, but I need someone who is really quick and efficient with ghostmerging, I need a roof. I usually forge with someone in my clan but he always gets bored after a while (about 30 minutes). Anyone interested?
I'm pretty good at ghost merging, My GT is: IndigoBeef when are you next going to be working on the maps? so i know if i could make it.
I'll help tonight and maybe the rest of the week b4 Saturday, me and my friend who will be joining ForgeHub soon are gonna work on our super secret project.
Once you have dummied the never spawn object, you can use it multiple times for the same type of object. This makes ghosting even simpler. One problem with ghosting is mancannons do not move the object for a few seconds after it is dummied unless you hit it with somthing. Knowing these things can really make things quicker.
I got of lot of draw of map idea but i dont know how i can but all thoose idea ! So if you want to see my draw my GT are DANJESS99 !