Cross your eyes so that the first and the second picture overlap. (optical illusion) [img width=800 height=300][/img] Projectt2501 - Profile 12/25/07 [img width=800 height=300][/img] Sword Fight 12/26/07 [img width=800 height=300][/img] Plasma 12/26/07 [img width=800 height=300][/img] Coop Hog 12/26/07 [img width=800 height=300][/img] Gauss Shot 12/26/07
Thank you, however I can't take full credit for the idea. I took the pictures myself, but learned how from, they have a great tutorial on how it's done. I plan on posting more, it's a lot of fun.
For those who have red/cyan 3D glasses: Projectt2501 - Profile 12/26/07 Sword Fight 12/26/07 Plasma 12/26/07 Coop Hog 12/26/07 Gauss Shot 12/26/07
HOLY CRAP I dont know why, but I tried this again. It is awesome I saw it this time for some reason. Great Job! -Donuts
Does anyone actually have a pair of those laying around somewhere? I wouldn't know where to find them.
If you have 0.50$ you can buy a pair at PS: Please do not quote or repost images that have already been posted. It floods the forum and wastes bandwidth. Would you please remove your quote? Thank you, ~Projectt2501~
I don't have a pair yet. I posted them for the people who can't get the "cross your eyes" ones to work. If you have 0.50$ you can buy a pair at Either that or go back in time and buy a box of cereal, with a pair in it for 0.25$
The 3-D was done backwards. The colors should be on the other side. All it does for me with the glasses is make everything really blurry.
HAHA i haz glasses, it makes it look awesome.. These are really cool. I think this mgith be cool for sometihng like a machima cover or something lawlz