Everyone knows this map was cool until the modders hit halo 2. I remade this map cuz it's a very close but yet so far away battle zone. Great map Bungie created, so I wanted to bring it back to Halo 3. Overview Red Side Blue Side DOWNLOAD IT
The problem with remakes of good Halo maps is that they have all been done before. I see you're new to forgehub (welcome!), so it is possible you were not aware of that. Technically, you're map is very good! The roofs are flat and almost bumpless, and the forging is clean. The problem is that your map lacks some aesthetic tastyness. The structures are all made with normal blocks so there are few elevation changes. This gives your map a rather plain look. People also enjoy you're map more if you add some nice aesthetic details that make you feel like you're actually playing the original warlock(/wizard). In a nutshell: you now have a good basis for your warlock/wizard remake, now add some nice details, light effects, filters, etc. Good luck and have fun playin'!
That's MAGE. You stole the map. He stole this map. I'm sure this is Mage the first warlock remade. Here it is: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/58553-warlock-remake.html Bad idea kid, bad idea... Now, this also affects the credibility of "your" other maps...