Map Idea GuardLock combination map Well i know my btb map is getting alot of hits well the concept of it anyway. Last night i came to a conclusion of mixing Lockout, and Guardian. Now i know some of you are saying wait, whats wrong with Guardian. Well alot of things. Many things are lacking in this map, which will be fixed with Paladian. But i want to address them in a different way, by combining 2 of the best maps ever invented on halo. Lockout: Guardian: Well this is my concept art and some more of my sloppy yet effective photoshop pics. Gold/ Br3: Sniper mixture of S3 Guardian S3 Lockout: As you can tell i plan on revamping the sniper tower, and adding BR3 to the top of Gold tower. Invis will stay where it spawns but have a window feature similar to the one at blue. Green will be the same or semi the same, just re done with tin cups and rock. Bottom mid will remain small but top mid will be widened more like the halo 2 lockout. This map will more or less fill in some of the height aspects that lockout had but guardian lacked. Depending on the way i plan this out this is going to be my guideline for this map. And an Overview: My had drawn overview: This may have to turn into a joint project idk, with my new btb map and my conquest map coming close to completion my tray is kinda full atm.
I like the idea alot actually, and your cropped photos got the point across effectively. My tray is also kind of full atm, but I am VERY curious, and would love to see the finished product.
So for the sniper mixture are there going to be two walkways leading up to it kinda like in the picture or is it gonna be exactly like lockouts? Also i really like this idea, i might help you work on it a bit if you need any help. Also for the gold/br3 mixture is the lift gonna lead up to the top of br3 or is it gonna lead to gold room then they take a ramp up to br3?
lift from green to invis at gold will be the same, and as for snipe, idk yet, i may have 2 ways up. Or have 2 platforms that serve the same purpose. Really i think i might use the way ascension was at the big tower, just a large open area with the walkway to lockouts s3 on the other side.
I'm interested in this. I've always loved Guardian and Blackout (closest I can get to Lockout, I don't have h2) so I want to see the finished product a lot. Update regularly, I must see what happens. EDIT: an idea for a name - Guardlock.
This looks really cool. You seem to know what your doing. The pictures and sketches really make it look professional. In the future when it's realeased, I want my hands on it. Great concept.
Well i know i posted this idea now but you guys are gona have to wait till at least december before i put any actual screenies up. I have 2 other big maps on my plate right now and my conquest map is taking priority ATM.
You should build a new structure at gaurdian's green, or to replace blue-room. Something like lockout's sword room would be cool.
actually on the note of that i am thinking of adding green/ lift from lockout. It'l be a smaller version of lockouts lift room, with a 2 stage hallway. That way you will have bottom mid with drop to shotgun tunnel then go on too a damaged lift room. I'll update with a new photoshop pic in a bit.
yeah ill be glad to work on it with you. but i dont know how were going to do it because this looks even more complicated than my guardian and i ran out of money/objects on that.
Well unfortunately im sure this map will have to be budget glitched. I think today im going to start, seeing as how my conquest map is done. I had bottom mid planned but that is going to have to be changed so yeah. I'll be going back and forth between your map and making mine to do bottom gold and elbow.
I hope you realize that you are adding Lockout and a lockout remake together... 0.o I'm curious to see how this turns out, it may be interesting because I think MickRaider is the only person who has done that successfully so far, but his was a straight remake of lockout... Most maps like this don't turn out well, so best of luck to you in being a uniquely amazing map.
I actually think this is a great idea. I would love to help you with the Guardian part (hekped a freind remake it so know I every corner)