Map Concept, seeking skilled forger(s)!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by swils, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Holy crap you certainly love your pillars....

    If I forge this I'll definitely be adding some sort of secondary entrance to either base so it won't be so linear.
  2. swils

    swils Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know if you saw them yet, but today I added a few new screenshots of the updated layout. It's got a third entrance to each base (well, 2nd if you consider the linear nature of the first layout's 2 entrances), in the form of a tunnel (that has, you guessed it, more pillars! haha). As far as the pillars in the main area are concerned, I feel like they provide both a nice aesthetic, as well as a nice form of cover. On the bottom, you can duck between them, and on the top, you can step behind one to recover your shields/force someone to advance across the map in order to improve their LoS on you.
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    In that case, could you provide a download link for an updated version?
  4. swils

    swils Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sure thing. I'd like to let everyone know:
    The original post has been entirely re-written. Re-read it, it's got the updated map, ceiling and all.

    I hope that with the addition of the ceiling, the map really appears to all come together now. I really hope that those of you who have offered to attempt it will continue, because I feel like the map really has some potential now that it's mostly "built" on paper.
  5. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Wow, that ceiling is amazing, if you're willing to pull that off, I will freaking love you. It looks so awesome. The layout looks very good as well from what I see, though some things aren't clear to me as of now. I'd love to help with this, but I'm not 100% sure I can, balancing 3 projects on my shoulders, all of them overdue plus this is dangerous to my time, but I really want to see this produced. Good luck.

    Senior Member

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    The one and only time ive seen that kind of money on a map, the map flashed like a f-in disco/rave even while in customs. Its a lag fest and a half. I suggest cutting as many corners as you can. The columns in the roofing aren't necessary. They look nice, but the map will benefit greatly form their absence. The fins you have lining some entrances can go. Again, look nice, but ultimately are unnecessary and aren't worth the strain on the budget. You may even consider re-designing the roof entirely, so that its still large and unbreakable, but contains a large skylight/opening in the center, in order to save materials. In fact, anywhere you can avoid having to roof entire rooms off you should. Try angling some walls so that they extend fairly high, but aren't reachable. Like where you have the wood bridges as roofing, for example.

    If you have that much money on the map, there will be lag problems.

    I do like the design though, so Id like to see it work out. It also looks like a fairly simple build, given a roof redesign.
  7. swils

    swils Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't actually think of that, but that's a really good point. The ribcage of the ceiling will have to go anyway--there's 24 large columns involved, but only 20 available. I suppose that I could do with only the first and second levels of the central ceiling as well, since after that, it should be near impossible to jump out. That'll elliminate close to 100 objects too, after removing the ribcage as well.

    I'll make some changes and upload yet another updated sketchup model later tonight or tomorrow.
  8. kill4overkill

    kill4overkill Ancient
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    I'd like to take it over but my exbox is currently broken. I should be getting it back in about a week. Also, it looks like you already gave it to someone.
  9. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Reminds me a lot of what I'm making: You won't be able to put that many columns my friend. Anyway this is my tunnel...

    Its a part of my Crow's Nest Inspiration. The maps about 50% done... or somewhere around that.

    Thread Link: Linksys
  10. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow !!! Like you said its really looking like epitaph for the pillar but the midle bridege looking like colosus bridge in halo 2 ! Cant wait !!!!

    So i will help you if you want !

    GT : DANJESS99
    #30 Dobam, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  11. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I starded This on REACH ! Pictures Soon .

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