This TGIF was pretty fun (except for the lack of COMMANDER) It lasted basically the entire time it was supposed to. But it was basically pretty fun. Now for the pics. Recap pics (took like 20 mins to take ):< ) I'm the pink elite and COMMANDER is the guy on top of the H above me. Kamikaze! Me ramming a teammate: The result: The final score Fat Rats Escape! Ell3ment doing a barrel roll! Sharpshooter being naughty and steeling an empty chopper: A little rocket race on Skyjump [stunt] Destination Moved: Carefull! Overkill! Asset on Protocol Prepare to drop: Well ya, hope that everyone in my party had fun and hope to see you next time. Feel free to post anything about my party. If you post more pics I'll put them up here at the OP.
Hey! That's why I put you as a host... I said "I may or may not join" and when I did it was time for you to leave but you'll be happy to know that once you left I lead the party to the most awesome after party I have ever hosted in a long time. (Actually, this was probably my first after party) If you was in my after party, you know we had a lot of fun doing some 'Operation: Underdog'. After having such an awesome after party and taking a little break from hosting; this made me want to host more TGIF's. (Then again, how could I stop?... I don't have anything better to do on Friday's) Thanks for joining and be sure to look out for the next TGIF!
Why isn't there a picture of me!? D: It was still fun until we played kamakazie. then Crypto failed. >.> I've got BALLS of STEEL
I swear Debayter killed him...i just took the chopper. And im suprised the subtext wasn't. "Hey Crypto....wait... I have an idea!"
No, it was Zachary, and he purposely got out on his own and starting free roaming. I killed him when the search party finally found him. I'm the steel and orange spartan on the top right of the H in the first pic. Also Crypto, that's me and you on the Escape! picture right? I still can't believe you drove us out of that one.