Assault Rifle: Worth Placing?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Moxus, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    In today's Budget-concious maps, is the Assault Rifle really worth placing? Why or why not?

  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yes; it provides ammo. Now you might say, hey, I start out with quite a bit of ammo. Why would I need that? Well, if you say, switch out your AR for a sniper br combo, then run out of bullets for the sniper, wouldn't you want to pick up an assault rifle? What if you pick up an opponents assault rifle that's ammo has already been used up?

    There should always be a few AR's on the map, especially big ones.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You spawn with frag grenades, yet bungie puts more frag grenades on the map. My suggestion? Yes, if Bungie does it, you can do it.
  4. NinjaLemon007

    NinjaLemon007 Ancient
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    I personaly think the AR isnt worth placing because you start with one and yes it has a lot of ammo but the thing is everyone starts with one, so with everyone dying shouldnt you naturally as you walk over them pick up more ammo. If you really feel players will need ammo I say place a BR because AR's encourage camping due to there close range and melee noobiness and the fact if they camp with one they will never run out of ammo. With an AR if you manage to kill enough players that the eventuality you kill players without AR's slowly trickles down your basicly infinite ammo supply then you deserve a freaking medal, AR fights nearly always end in beat downs you'd have to get freaking lucky to even use the ammo in one where people dont start with one.
    So in MY opinion note the use of the word MY because this is strictly my opinion they are not worth placing.

    Sorry Im posting twice but I missed this and I dont know how to edit and quote in one post.
    You only get 2 frag grenades and they are usualy to weaken people so they should have extras on the map to make it a fair battle with anyone else.
    In a complete un-advantaged situation 1v1 and 1 has 2 grenades they guy with the grenades actualy has an advantage of effectively getting the other guy from the other side of a wall.
    #4 NinjaLemon007, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    yet br's promote spawn camping and he with the better 4-shot shall always win.
    i say yes they should be placed, because they give you more options, then running out and dieng because of some EmElJee *** that camps a tower and spawn kills.
    also, everyone loves the good old assault rifle, amirite?
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    This really is kind of a "new to forge" kind of question. In forging 101, it reminds you to place AR's even though you spawn with one because it balances a map. I guess some people don't know that.

    And with the frags thing. Yeah, I always run out of frags on big maps.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I think your cutting corners on the question at hand. First if you need an AR spot on a map place it. The idea for placing an AR on the map is simple an insurance that you can find ammo that is fullest at this given spot.

    Frag grenades are the same ordeal, but I know they are heavily used in games so you need replenishment more often in one life. MLG even places down a few BR's for this line of ideas as well. So if you need ammo place it. If your not running short or the K to death ratio of your map is really little I would place it. Remember if you don't want people just using AR's in a map you can use that as a forceful way to make them pick up another gun as well.
  8. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Or, you put any other weapon on the map so that people with low ammo drop the AR and pick up somethings that is actually useful. Like a BR =D.

    No seriously, I hate the AR I prefer a single SMG over the AR.

    Yes... so what? How is this a bad thing? The best one shouldn't win?
  9. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    In all reality, when you have AR starts, or the map you are considering placing an AR is best with AR starts, you should probably not place any AR's on it if you are worried about the budget/object limit.

    However, if the map that you are making has a specific gametype for it that does "not" include AR's in the weapon starts, by all means, place 1 or 2 or more AR's. AR's are surpisingly good against vehicles, much like the SMG, however, the BR doesnt really work well against vehicles unless you have a shot at the vehicle drivers head.

    I just thought i'd share.
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You should place AR's down if:
    • You have the budget to do so without you having to take something out in its place.
    • You find people need to get the ammo. (For example: If your map is large, and its AR start, people AR'ing from a distance will use more ammo than they will pick up. Actual AR spawns keep a constant ammo replenishment.)
    • If your map supports the weapon

    Basically, look at your map. You shouldn't be thinking, Should I place an AR on this map? You should know exactly what's going to go on the map.
  11. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Only put ARs on the map if the map works well with AR starts (which bungie usually fails at making). What I mean is, don't put AR spawns on BTB maps or long-range style maps like narrows, snowbound, the pit, construct, epitaph, orbital (debatable), isolation, or high ground. If your making a map that's enclosed like cold storage or a map that utulizes good lines of sight like guardian then AR placement would be usefull. Just think abot how you would play the map, if you feel like the AR wouldn't be used much at all or usefull, then don't bother. No one wants to play a game where they automatically want to get rid of their starting weapon (there are also maps that the BRs are not too usefull on).

    Also, if there are going to be AR starts than don't put more than 4 ARs on the map. Even that many seems overdone.

    Hope this has been usefull and informative to you.

    I'm going to actually make a detailed post about the importance of the assault rifle when I get the chance, because the opinions on the "AR vs. BR" are way too un-informed and I feel like it needs to be looked into a lot more than it is. The number one complaint I get is that the BR is overpowered and it doesn't make it fair for other players but it is good to make BR starts on most maps (Custom and Bungie made).
    #11 Urban Myth, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009

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