Yes, It's technically not a popout... That being said, it's waaay to empy in the upper left corner, the release date shouldn't be covered up, just take the original layer of it, split it where it intersects,then lower the opacity of the area it would overlap the soldier if it has to be out of the way of him, otherwise just put it in front totally visible. The flare draws too much attention, maybe dim it up? Ahg, I mainly keep looking back at that upper left corner! I don't know what the hell would go there. Last thing, see how the lines go from middle to left? Why don't they go to the right also? You obviously want the soldier and his flare to be the focal point so some lines on the other side would be fantastic. /walloftext
Any suggestions on what to fill it with? And even though this isnt a popout, in the process I figured out how to do them so I am happy for that.