-FRACTURE- Downloud link:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=98219998 part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 jump 1 jump 2 jump 3 Downloud link:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=98219998
At least tell him how to do it Ok first of all take your pictures online in a custom game, then go to bungie and download hi res screenshots there. ok after you have done that go to www.photobucket.com make an account then upload your pictures when thats done, click on your picture and copy Direct link and then copy it to your form on this site. This is no a good tut but it would be better if a had pictures
Also, even though the pics arnt working, you have double posted. Please dont do this. If you want to change a thread, click "Edit" at the bottom of the thread.
K guys, he's got his info now, give him some time to fix the post. I'll come back for a review when its fixed. EDIT: A yes, that's better! Ty for fixing the pictures that helps everyone. Now I can see that you made a really nice racetrack! The track itself is very smooth in most places. It gets a little boring in some areas because of lack of any aesthetics though. The jumps are interesting and after some testing, I've found that it plays fairly well. Overall, I give it a 4/5 Hope to see more tracks from you in the future! Keep forging!
Hey good job "q-tip" rofl. Like I said bfore probably one of my favorite race tracks. My favorite part is easily the jump and how smooth the landing is. Also I love the s turn at the beginning. Any way just wanted to congratulate you on the map. Oh and by the way i think I'm the first person to complement you on the map instead of worrying about the stupid pictures. So yeh nice map. Yours truley, AnF Jeff.