Attaching Small Forge Objects to Vehicles For Reach

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LinkLegend0, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
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    Well I could be wrong since I don't know much about how bungie goes about making their game. And sorry if I am wrong.

    But isn't making a new map with improved vehicles more difficult. If you think about it this way you can see that they have to not only model the whole map and the new vehicles with w/e 3d modeling they use. They also have to program the new things the vehicle can do.

    So if all his idea is suggesting is to make it so that things respawn and stick to a poly of a moveable object, and add more interface options such as things to select from a list, isn't it easier for bungie to do that.

    I am also a game developer (only in flash tho, self-taught) and I think that his idea would be simpler to go about.

    The only possible bad thing is things lagging from all the objects moving.
  2. LinkLegend0

    LinkLegend0 Ancient
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    Can you guys just post/vote in the original thread instead of this one?
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, which is why i got the impression they were attaching the grav lift the right way up so it actually lifted the warthog off the floor, but it wouldnt technically be attached so it wouldnt move.

    To be perfectly honest, This whole idea sounds like a noob came up with it. Its completely half baked and not really thought out at all. Not to mention, I dont think Bungie are going to be taking ideas from the community, and I doubt they'd ever use this one when no specifics have been made about it.

    Right, put yourself in a real life situation. Youve just bought a ferrari, you love it. Would you take kindly to someone strapping a dustbin to your ferrari and them saying, "Look I've given you more Boot space!" You'd give them a slap and tell them to pay for the scratches.

    What your all doing is taking something that looks good, plays good, is easy to drive, and turning it into a moving part of the map that looks like something you'd find in a toilet.
    What people have stated about with the pelican (putting blocks on a banshee and a turret at the back) will make nothing more than moving brick with a turret on the back.

    Also, how would you get this concept to even work? Attaching MOVABLE objects to a vehicle will mean you have to stop it from being movable on the warthog.. but it HAS to be movable so the warthog can move. They'd have to invent a whole new list of properties for EVERY item.. just so you can strap one or two things to a warthog?

    If you came about the idea that once selecting a warthog, and you press X to get into item properties it had the option to add/remove the turret on the back or upgrade to gauss. Then that would work, that would be fine. But what everyone seems to be suggesting is that you'd rather have something that looks completely **** and ****s up gameplay in most aspects to allow one extra person to climb on a warthog?
    #23 Stevo, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wrong. Warthogs are faster.

    This would be an incredibly ridiculous idea. What you're saying is that you should build a bunch of bulky bricks on the side of a slick vehicle... There's no way you'd be able to interlock this.. all you'd do is add crap to the sides so that someone could sit there... Then there's lag. Ever notice how you usually can't stand on a warthog for very long in matchmaking? The same thing would happen to this. Another thing, have you ever tried driving an elephant? Yes, there's a very broad view that magically opens up when you start driving... Have you ever driven a ghost? There's a very narrow view that magically opens up when you drive. Adding objects to the sides of your vehicle would really really screw up your viewing screen, to the point where you'd have no idea where you're going! There'd be no way going around this.

    Altogether, this idea is very appealing at first glances. However, after a bit of looking over things you start to realize that this would be a very inoperable concept that just wouldn't work out in the end.

    I say stick to new vehicles.. maybe add an elephant.. or even add a spawning "field" like the elephant has so you can move around with your objects... but adding objects to the sides of vehicles just wouldn't work.
  5. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    I would LOVE to put a Blue Light on the bottom of a civilian Warthog. =D

    Neon warthog FTW!
  6. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    The Warthog is the second fastest vehicle in Halo.

    This idea as a whole is rather stupid. Or at leastthe way your all asking for it.

    Perhaps we should just be given the option to build our own vehicles?
  7. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Well there is one MAJOR problem with doing amazing **** like people want in Reach's forge. LAG. 1 out of 4 games experience some sort of lag, just in matchmaking alone. And when 8 people are forging, there is reason only 8 can do that, Moving objects = lag because when an object moves 1 unit in any direction, every console has to be updated of the change. Now just imagine 630 something objects moving at a fast rate over 16 players. The xbox would either crash or everyone booted to the menu. Yeah, noooooooo. The whole idea is stupid in the first place. And with attaching gravlifts to the underside of a warthog? Come on. It would fly up to the unvisible barrior and then fail, and fall. It would drive forward, The closest thing to that is the floating vehical glitch... and it's more effective.
  8. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
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    Well maybe that is the case? Maybe not? But the truth is I have some experience with server based things where I had to try to figure out what is causing me going slow.

    I could be wrong about this because the xbox360 can handle a lot more than flash can so they might be using constant sending.

    But I personally had to change my code around. I calculate all changing of positions of objects within the client side. What I do when something changes in position that the whole server has to know about. I just simply tell it when the force is applied, that tells all online clients that a force is applied to it and they process the movement from there.

    And for players moving around from the pressing of a key or w/e. I don't constantly send so long as its down. I tell others when the key was pressed down to let them know the player is moving, and when its released to tell them when the player stops moving.

    Well... If you focus on what he said, it would be for forge and custom games and no one should really care about advantages of one over another. And actually if you think about it, isn't it simply making the position of one thing = to another at all times. In thus getting rid of the need for the movable vs. non-movable stuff.

    if it was put into the simplest possible actionscript it would be like the following

    objectPosition = vehicle.poly(put poly number here)Position;

    And then treat the rest like normal where you could pick up, hit, use, etc... On the object in question.
  9. LinkLegend0

    LinkLegend0 Ancient
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    Now your complaining it will look bad? Who gives a damn, besides attaching stuff too it won't necessarily make it look bad anyways. If you think it will make vehicles look bad then don't use it, but many people want to be able to simply attach something to a vehicle for more fun.

    Why do you care about gameplay? Are you stupid? You seem to be thinking this will all be in matchmaking for whatever reason, its in customs, why do you care if its ****s up someone else's gameplay? Besides it would make gameplay much more fun.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    this would be so epic.
    10000% yes. if bungie doesnt take this into consideration imma cry
  11. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    yeah i was pissed when i first found out we couldnt do this kind of stuff. i was making an assault gametype called rodeo, and i wanted to make the bomb plant poin where the turrent on a warthog is. didnt work haha
  12. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Yes it would be nice but there are so many other features bungie could add to improve the forge dramatically and they would be much easier to implement.
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    like real doors, RB switches and motion switches.

    god that would make life SO much easyer.

    too bag bungie is way to lazy/retarded/stupid/cheap/nofriends/(insert unlimited amount of insulting adjectives) to make a descent map designer :(
  14. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    For anyone and I mean ANYONE who thinks this is a bad idea, think about it: The mongoose is fast enough to the point where someone WILL drop off, whatever the SMALL object they are standing on.

    Really, the only vehicles this would effect in terms of seating is the Scorpion, Wraith, and that's about it.

    And in forge, this would be a great way to express ourselves, and make our maps truly unique. mostly after this, all we pretty much need in texturing. And tagging.
  15. Plasma Rifle Elite

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    Well, in Halo Reach, they might change the physics of forging, making your view farther away if objects are attached to the vehicles.
  16. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    ...which could do loopings! :)

    The idea of items attached to a vehicle reminds me of an elephant. An elephant contains spawn points, a turret, and the flag/bomb spawns. If this was possible with, say, a warthog,that would open possibilities for a lot of fun gametypes.
  17. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Am I stupid? Am I the one requesting to have the option to stick a block double up the arse of a warthog.....? No.

    Yes, I'm complaining it will look bad, Because IT WILL LOOK BAD ****!

    And I'm not bothered about where it is in the game, whether thats Forge, Customs, Matchmaking. I'm bothered about Bungie wasting their time with a concept no one will use. Not to mention IF Bungie considered using this. They would have to re-write the whole concept of their Forge. And when thinking about Bungie... They like to recycle, and use previous games features with little add ons to make them newer.

    Like Upgrading from Foundry to Sandbox, We got the skybox. We bought the mythic pack, for the skulls and the new "ultimate Forge Experience".
    When Buying Reach, do you want Halo 3: With new Campaign (that you'll clear once or twice... maybe not at all!) + the option to stick a block to a car

    Do you want Bungie to take their time, Develop whole new gameplay physics for Campaign and Multiplayer. So when your on a map you can blow up a fusion coil that can shatter tiles off walls, or throw a grenade in a room which when explodes, sends shrapnell into surround electronic equipment and destroys them aswell

    IMO, I'd ask for something WORTH asking for. Not waste time posting about useless things in game which would need a complete rework of the games forge engine to allow that small feature to work.

    Quite frankly, Id rather spend £50.00 on a game thats new and exciting and makes playing more fun in the long run. Not play the same game I spent £40.00 on 3 years ago with a new forge feature and different campaign.
  18. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
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    You guys seem to be under the impression that only 1 object will be stuck to it lols...

    For one your saying that a pelican replica that can move would look stupid. I don't see how if you make an accurate version of it.

    Also, another person said something about falling off a mongoose cuz its moving to fast. Unless he is thinking that this idea only entails one thing being attached, he is completely wrong. The idea consists of attaching multiple things in thus, blocking you from falling if you block it off.
  19. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Do you not read the updates? They're pretty much done with Reach. They're playtesting right now. So they won't bother going in and redoing the game just because about 20 people want something.
  20. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Instead of incorporating it into forge, perhaps they could release a standalone program over xbox live designed for vehicle design and possibly geometry design. Being able to do it well would require you to have programming experience so that not just any schmuck could throw wheels on a box.
    Then Bungie could peek around at what's popular and then decide what they want to do with it from there...
    If I'm not mistaken, I recall something like this being done a few years ago on xbox live.

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