Grayed out Objects in Menu on Budget-Glitched/OLN Map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Z3ro Man, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Forerunner
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    So I am in the middle of making a map, and suddenly when I create a Ghost, and go back to the item menu, the Ghost, with some other objects I have used in the past are all grayed out. The only way to get them back to normal is to restart the game. But I can only make 1 of * Those objects before it gets grayed out again. Any suggestions?

    Side Note: Ive noticed that the "Shield Door, Large" has its run-time maximum the same number as the "Shield Door, Large" on the map, so 2 and 2. ALL the other objects have it 1 higher? Could this be an issue? If so, how can I change it to 1 higher, it wont let me go beyond the amount on the map. Thanks.

    Ok, so a little update: I have come to the conclusion it has to do with the runtime Maximum being 1 higher then the amount on the map. ALL the objects that are grayed out don't have it 1 higher, meaning I have deleted 1 or more of those objects as I was building my map. I did some testing, and now all I need is for someone to tell me how to make those objects Run-Time Maximum 1 higher then the amount on the map.
  2. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    You deleted a object when you only had 1 of that type on the map on a Budget-glitched OLN canvas, right? Well, if that's the case, you're pretty much screwed. If it's greyed out after you deleted it and only had 1 on the map, and that 1 was the peice you deleted, you can't get it back. But if you spawn an object and peices become greyed out in the item menu, it's because the objects have randomly "reset" their own run-time numbers. It usually happens with items you haven't placed on the map, items that aren't OLN, or what you said, items that have the same run-time minimum and run-time maximum. There's no proven reason to explain this, but unfortunately without research on the issue it cannot be solved, atleast to my knowledge. Sorry dude.
  3. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Forerunner
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    Well atleast someone responded, thank you sir. I have been looking for this answer for awhile now, oh well, I guess If I want to save time I got to restart. aegrjnjoerghuojht4uo. Argh.:surprise:mg:
  4. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Send me a link to the map and I'll look at it... I think I heard something about this b4 and how to fix it, but I'll have to play around on it to remember.
  5. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Note: I was going to post this yesterday but it didn't go through. Everything got erased and I didn't have enough time to rewrite it. After getting over my frustration I decided to give it another try.

    If you're using a Clean/Ultimate Budget Glitched then the following will benefit you. If you're making an object for the first time(meaning it's the first of it's kind on the map) then don't delete it. This rule also applys in situations where you have all of one type of object on the map. Examples of these would be: Having 1/40 or 40/40 Block, Doubles on the map. If you have anything in between this(in this case 2/40 - 39/40) feel free to delete at your desire.
    The logic behind this is simple. When using a Clean/Ultimate Budget Glitched map the "run time maximum" should always be one number higher than the "placed on map". If both numbers are the same then the budget glitch for that particular item is ruined. When you only have one item of it's kind on the map, the "run time maximum" is 2 and the "placed on map" is 1. When you delete that item the "POM" goes down to 0, reseting the "RTMax" to 0 aswell. Also, when you have all of a certain item on the map the "RTMax" and the "POM" are both the same. If you delete one they will both just decrease by one everytime. Once the "RTMax" and "POM" are both the same there is no way to fix it, or at least not that I know of, and trust me...I know alot about forge. If you ever notice that one of your items has this then end the game immediately. I hope I've helped you better understand how the Ultimate Budget Glitch works and functions.

    xX BtR Chaos Xx

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