ive seen a few vids were people are forging in custom games can someone give me a link to DL it or is it like insta ban
it is a mod if anyone posts a link they will get an infraction or ban or something along those lines from FH idk about bungie
Yah you won't find it anywhere here but i think it is on bungie.net as slayer or something like that. Do you want the 1 where you sapwn with flamethrowers and can forge in free-for-all?
I beleive it goes by the name of carbines, you can find it on bungie.net If anyone posts a link to modded content on Forgehub they get an infraction, but I dont beleive giving a name to the mod is against the rules.
i already have, but when its set to FFA i acnt do my ghost merge method when you pull of the back menu, it just selects the name, ot the team