Created By: Gunnergrunt Recommend Players: 1v1 Recommended Gametype: Conflict Inspired by the Conflict maps, but forged in his own style, is Gunnergrunt's Plexus. Constructed at the highest reaches of the skybubble, anyone attempting to break the map will be hit with stone cold realization as the barrier forces them back to earth. But the real marvel here is the masonry. Not only has Gunnergrunt avoided the use of gold objects, but he has made the map looks like one solid piece of stone. Don't let its beauty fool you though, Plexus is all about competition. When it comes to weapons choice, be advised that the Battle Rifle is not always the best selection. Plexus hosts a variety of dual weapons that may throw the experienced marksman off balance. But do not despair, ye of little CQB, the map has multiple, open lines of sight as well. Although you may be forced to rethink strategies and devise new tactics, you will feel right at home amongst the flowing architecture. Whether a fan of Conflict maps or not, Plexus offers competitive 1v1 game play to all. Download Plexus Download 'Conflict' Gametype Download Plexus Download 'Conflict' Gametype Spoiler
"ye of little CQB" Rofl lol man that was good, anywho im glad you released this i have been waiting. Im not much of a 1v1 person but i love the looks of this Gunner, Im gona dl and do a little run around and some customes then edit but still the bueaty of it has me in sheer amazment. If this doesn't get a feature lol idk what would.
Definetely one of the best conflict maps out there(though it wasn't made for the contest haha). I love the location most of all, I've never seen the barrier used in this way. Definetely a map that deserves a DL.
Yes! Great looking maps, its a masterpiece of 1v1. I will keep this for eva... You always use blue lights and it looks so good, try using red, im interested to know what it would look like. Good map cant wait till your next.
Gunnergrunt you crazy person. Stop just throwin down amazing maps, it's making me jealous. Now that that's off my chest, I'd like to say this is freakin rediculas! I love that you made it look so smooth. I really want to make a map with you, because apperantly you **** perfection. Glad to see you makin more than just Conquest maps too, just slow down because you're just too good. Ihaven't played this one yet, but I'll definately DL and play it soon enough. Good job dude, seriously.
This is definately a solid 1v1 or 2v2 map. I know first hand that a lot of testing and rethinking went into the building of this map and it turned out fantastic. Good job gunnetgrunt.
wow nice job i love the smoothness and ease of gameplay flow. see now ur a forger who knows what hes doin when he makes a map good job but maybe try an fx filter but idk maybe im picky but im still lovin this map 9/10
Its a little hard to decipher the layout from the pictures so I'm going to download and give you feedback at a later point. Looks good though, liking the atmosphere you've created. So I've had a forge-through, will try and get a game on it in the future, and its pretty damn good gunner! I'm really digging the mauler spawn area, reminds me of outpost. Liking the good selection of weapons and placement. My only criticism would be that whilst this wouldn't look out of place in the conflict tournament, its a little generic in terms of layout and the lift areas are a bit too closed off for me and could promote some nade camping. However, overall its a superbly clean map and everything looks solid. Like I said, will try to get a game on it for some more in-depth criticisms.
Uh... I don't think this needs an fx filter. And now you choose not to rate something 10/10. Anyway this map has a great layout and I've always liked enclosed maps. Do I see a feature in the future. I've gotta try this one out.
Dude, you're a machine. You piss awesome maps. I have 0 xp with 1v1 maps, but this looks pretty damn cool. Why the hell did you build it so high up though? Ohh, perhaps you're using sandbox's natural invisible barrier to prevent players from breaking the map...thinking as I go here. Very clevar.
Yes you do its called being a forge god haha. Gunnergrunt is like the offspring of the creator of Forge. Bow before his bad assery or he will smash you with a block large.
Gunnergrunt, you pump out maps like a machine with the fresh/sexy idea switch activated. All your ideas are unique, amazing, and inspiring. All your maps get featured at some site, machine way or another. I cannot wait to play this. 5 hugs out of 5.
well, at least its not a conquest map. i would </3 you for that becausei am almost finished my conquet map, and it would totally 1-up it. but why make a conflict map? the tournement is already over, basically. and there seems to be no real point to it, unless you hope to appeal to the people who like the gametype, myself not included. stop making these maps, and also, never talk in third person again, it scares the less-than-perfect-**** outta me (cwatididthar?)
I liked a lot of the Conflict maps and wanted to create one of my own, with my own style of game play. I also enjoy any form of 1v1. The map doesn't require the Conflict gametype. In fact, i use normal slayer half of the time. I try not to forge maps to "appeal" to anyone. That takes the fun out of it. This was just a little side project that started up during the tourney. If you don't like Plexus, you're gonna love this EDITang you Adyless, just post already! I've seen you viewing the thread at least 8 times today! =P
Surprised face, he's spotted me! Rofl..No really I'm interested in this map a lot and I've been stalking it. I've had it qued for DL majority of the day and waiting to get a chance to look at it. Which I should do very soon and come back and write a little review of win. PS: Its Adelyss , not Adyless xD
Gotcha! Haha sorry bout the spelling, Aduhlus! =P Hope you enjoy the map. I'd play you myself, but I won't online till tomorrow. I anxiously await your review!
I've had my chance to have a forge through of it and get a game on it with Shad0w Viper. First thing is first, I like the look of the map, and how you make it look unique in its own certain way. You've used windows in certain rooms to give it a bungie map look I guess I'd call it. I also really like how you used the maps barrier to your advantage defiantly a plus. There are some things I'd like to see changed though, First off the floor was a bit to bumpy for me, it was to a point were I was noticing it during gameplay and it was throwing off my aim a bit. I'd like for you to clean up some of those more noticeable bumps. Second a few minor little annoying interlock overlaps..not very important but I noticed them in the game and thought you could of done a bit better. Third the weapons, I like the variety of the weapons but they are really unbalanced because of the Conflict gametype. While I was testing my 1v1 Conflict map, basically all duels had to be looked at very carefully. I know your giving your 1v1 map a different style but you have 2 Plasma Rifles, 4 Spikers, 4 SMGs and a Mauler which can all be used with each other. Plasma Rifles used in the conflict gametype are VERY deathly also I might point out. When playing with shadow I noticed he used his Plasma Rifle, BR combo quite often and he got me good a few times. As for myself I noticed myself using your unbalanced weapons to my advantage and picking up duel SMG's or Spikers to kill him before he could pull his 3rd shot of his BR. So what I'm saying is cut out some duels and spread them out a bit more if possible. Another thing I noticed was the lack of grenades, I only noticed the two plasma's on the map and I felt empty handed most of the time playing the match. Moving on, the map geometry, me and shadow both agreed that this map was lacking, and we both felt it could be good if tweaked right. For me I felt some of the hallways were a bit constricting and didn't really open up to give me a fight. I almost noticed that a majority of the battles took place either in the back of each base or right on one of the ramps of the middle bridge. This may be because of the size of the map or it may not, but I believe the back of the bases were due to the fact of it being the most controlling spot. One only had to watch the ramp entrance because you could tell if they were coming up the lift from radar and you could just leave to the other room and wait for them. Other than those I liked the map but it could be tweaked to better fit the 1v1 conflict gametype and offer the most to a 1v1 in general.