. ::::MAP DOWNLOAD::::Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Asymmetrical map designed for one flag CTF. Assault, Slayer, Territories, King of the Hill, Oddball, Infection, and symmetrical CTF have all been set but have not undergone testing Attackers begin on the mountainous switchback. The assault begins with a warthog and mongoose racing down towards the central bridge. A sniper gives covering fire from the outcropping, as footsoldiers pick up munitions from the jagged cliffside below. Hidden in concealed caves are powerful weapon caches. On the left side a gravity hammer/overshield/regenerator, and on the right sword/invisibility/flare/incindary gernades. The bridge spanning the chasm doesn't offer much concealement and has a small minefield covering it's far side.. Heavy fire comes in from a pillbox and gun tower framing the bridge. The grassy hill beyond houses the defender's flag. Up top a pillbox provides cover, and a network of tunnels below connect it to the bridge defenses. The defenders stronghold is armed with a fuel rod cannon, ghost, and sniper rifle. [bungievid]99887080[/bungievid] Defenders: Gate Defender: Machinegun turret, overshield, regenerator, plasma grenade Shield Unit x2: Battle Rifle, Deployable cover, x2 frag grenade Ghost x2 Mines cluster Fuel Rod Cannojn Sniper Rifle Shotgun x2 Mauler x2 SMG Bubbleshield Regenerator Attackers: Shield Unit x2: Battle Rifle, Deployable cover, x2 frag grenades Assault Unit: Brute shot, Bubbleshield, x2 frag grenades Cave Ninja: Covenant Sword, Invisibility, Flare, x2 Incendiary grenades, x2 Spiker grenades Cave Bear: Gravity Hammer, Overshield, Regenerator, x2 Plasma grenades Warthog Mongoose Sniper Rifle Bubbleshield Nuetral Flamethrower x2 Plasma grenades x2 Needler [bungievid]99932037[/bungievid] Please let me know what you think, and if you have any questrions about stuff. ::::MAP DOWNLOAD:::: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
one of the coolest looking things i have ever seen this whole week. This looks so fun, and to me it makes me feel like the map is even better with the warthogs driving down across the bridge. I well download and play it when i get a party going on. How ever one thing leaves me to wounder, how does the game play go with only one bridge to get across?
I agree. Anyways, it's forged really well and it looks like it would be pretty fun with a large party, but how does gameplay go with the one bridge?
The bridge is the only point across and I can see that concerns people about the gameplay, however this function funnels the action to the bridge creating highly explosive combat. An assault on the bridge defenses will open up the road for the warthog to blow through and reach the flag headquarters. There are also very powerful equipment combos hidden in the side caves, which when used correctly can help break through the roadblock. I had the same concerns and was actually planning to add a small footbridge to one side. Once I started to test the map I found it was very possible to cap the flag. It was challenging to break the defenses, but this ended up being very fun and not a frustrating shutout.
Wow the map looks very nice, one concern. The tin cups do look good but when you see the flags on the flag headquaters as you so avidly named it Have you tried placing an immovable wraith on the map? So it feels a bit like ODST campaign trying to get over the bridge? EDIT: You have a DL from me.
I guess you can just imagine the flags are support beams for the roof. The good thing is they have no collision so you can just walk through them. I was originally planning the add a wraith (movable), but the green hill seemed to cause a problem with its motion. (which is weird because the jeep and ghost can move over it fine) However if you want to edit it youself simply delete the ghost and a couple pieces of stuff, then drop a wraith on the top of the green hill, it will be immobile without any need for setup (something is screwy with the ground there for it.)
You could literally place a tin cup anywhere you want it, plop a wraith on it and you have a 360 mortar. I really like the natural designs of the bases even if one of them has flags sticking into it. The bridge doesn't really seem much of a problem to me since conquest maps are only one way(am I right?). I would really like to see a weapons list, but you still have my download.
I really like the rocky feel of the map. The Attacker's base has a great pathway to the bridge aesthetically.
I am amazed just at the size!!! I don't expect to see a sky bubble map with vehicles this size that isn't flat! The hills and all the changes in hight add to the map. It's is also very pleasing to the eyes. Even the inside of the flag base, I saw the flag poles on the Tin Cups as support beams right away (whether that was intentional or not).
...Holy SHI... 4.5/5 Epic. I've always wanted to use terrain, but did not have enough skill. I would download it if it was an all purpose gametype map, but it isn't. Keep in mind limited gametypes are a turnoff.
This is definately one of the funnest looking maps i've seen in a while, I really like the mountainy area and all the underground tunnely parts on the other side. Is that just tin cups that make the hill? And did you edit that icture on the computer or is it straight from Halo?
I love the terrain, so this is great. most people do not put ghost merging to this kind of use. The inside tunnels make this survivable for those who are not within vehicles, but the bridge as stated before is not great for gameplay, although it does make a good choke point for the flag. The problem is I just hate to see this wasted on only one flag. This could make a great slayer map, or work for other objective gametypes.
Wow, I have to say this is a REALLY unique looking map. I'll give it a download and force my friends to play it and if the gameplay is good enough I might even expect it to get featured .
Just played a few games on it and it is very fun! The brifge dosen't effect gameplay much because of the equipment for the attackers to use. The only problem i have with the map owever is that there are quite a few holes at the end of passageways and such. This sort of makes it lose a bit of its moutainous feel but it is stll very good 8/10
I like it, actually. Terrain maps are pretty cool. You should try and playtest this with some really good players, because I feel that the Sniper could be powerful. Obviously I don;t know how it plays with it, but it basically overlooks the entirety of the Attacker's base and seems like it could be broken in the hands of good players. Just my two sense, lol. Good job.
This map is great but has two flaws from my point of view. First the tunnels arnt blocked off so you can easily fall out and die. Second all of the best weapons seem to be with the best power ups ie grav hammer with over shield. Anyways great map
I am really digging this map man, although im not such a fan of it in the skybubble. i believe you could do something like this on the main floor and save you some money by having a default floor too work with, but if you did id suggest making an elevated bridge then like 1 ramp to the defensive base and have everthing else elevated lol.. Oh yeah and i forgot you know you for a true minefield feeling you could have tried to make little slots in the bridge and place fusion coils that would be epic, a nice placed nade and boom everyone on bridge destroyed.
Holy crap. That's what I said when I saw this map. -hits feature button- Seriously, this deserves to be featured. The interlocking is truly amazing and the gameplay is addictive, plus it makes me feel special because I'm running around in a mountain . Great work, man.
This is beautiful. The only thin i don't like is that the flags on the tin cups are collision free. If they were solid, the ghost couldn't splatter everyone in the "flag headquarters" You have a dl.
Ok to address a few questions: Yes, there are sections of the tunnels which have holes in the walls. You won't find holes in the floors, but there are indeed a few gaps which are easily avoidable unless you back up into them. Unfortunately because of budget reasons small things like this get through. I played the map several times and never fell once, it is pretty easy to not fall off. Symmetrical / asymmetrical gametypes inlucding slayer, assault, territories, king of the hill, oddball, capture the flag, and infection have all been set up on the map. I have not tested them on the map because I find getting a party of 8+ to play a unknown custom game to be VERY FRUSTRATINGLY DIFFICULT. In my tests of the map everyone seemed to want to keep playing CTF and not try any other gametypes, so I listed this since I tested it the most. That one picture of the jeep driving over the bridge with speed blur around it was edited in photoshop haha!. If you're unfamiliar with photoshop filters there is a feature to do a radial blur, which streaks everything back from a center point, giving it a tunnel vision type effect. anyways thanks for the comments, this was my first use of ghost merging and it has allowed me to try out my more complex ideas which i would never dream of trying using the traditionally method.