In Guam, gamestop clerks don't care if a 12 year old is buying a rated 'M' game. I guess it all depends on how they act towards getting the game, like screaming "IM GONNA KILL SO MANY PEOPLE MUAHAHAHAHHAAHA" or just walking all mature up to the cash register and buying it.
GTA and Manhunt, along with a few other games, have been just on the edge of the AO rating (Adult Only). I believe stores do carry AO games in the stock, but I'm not sure, would be a good idea to ask COMMANDERMATT1 or someone else who works at Gamestop.
No pint making a new thread. All the Kill Streaks: Infinity Ward Tactical Nuke is: YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Tactical Nuke 25 Killstreak Ends the game. . .seems a bit odd why they put that in there. . .
hmm. There are a lot more things that will eliminate campers though. And, you can only activate 3 kill streaks at once, and if you have tac nuke as one, you better be pretty confident you will be able to use it.
Here's a tip for people that might not know it, if you get a kill streak reward and die before using it, you can use it once you respawn.
No, It looks Like COD4. (Sarcasm) No Sh*t, Its the same makers of COD 4. Dumb*ss. I think the nukes too cheap. Holy sh*t. Honestly, Kills Everything and Ends the game. I've going 8/ 26 kill streak in COD4 So Nukes will fly.
T.T Youtube is down so I can't watch any of the videos... Uh... In a G4 interview, some of the footage showed the ability to duel weild Uzi's/Skorpians
yeap, dual wieldable sub machine guns are a go with the 'akimbo' perk. But, if someone is nice enough to die and leave some dual wieldable weapons down, you can pick them up without the perk.
Wtf, this nuke thing sounds like the worst idea ever. Now people are going to make up super unbeatable strategies that involve one person getting 25 kills at the beginning of the game.