Ok so here i bring you flaming cheif. I just loved the flames i experemented at. All the flow works. SO here it is Cheif V1: Cheif V23D Border) Cnc thanks
Why would you ever use Bevel & Emboss for the border, it looks terrible. As for the actualy signature, I dunno...it's kinda boring, overused gradient map as well.
First off, awesome effects. Things to work on are: try to place the focal a bit off centre, and make sure the effects go in the direction of the flow. GEt rid of the gradient map/s, then i'd like to see it.
hmm. OK. Try: Black and white Gradient map at 100% luminosity, then Orange to purple at around 30-40%. Then apply image and burn the whole of the outside of the signature, like on V3 where it is purple, burn that. Then Apply image again and sharpen the focal.
Wow thats pretty sick! I love the right hand side, I didnt like the blue once you removed the gradient thing so I find that much nicer naow
better. . .crop some off the left and i think that's about as far as you could take it. The effects are really good in this, keep practising them!
God 4 was a member here, who posted only monotone sigs enveloped by asymmetrically abstract effects, very similar to v1. We prompted him to change his style out of sheer repetitiveness, yet he continued to post this one kind of sig even with help. He no longer posts here.