Think Prisoner and Hang 'em High (not a remake). From Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt. If you wanna play me or Ell3ment 1v1, use the poll to sign up.
I love the way you used the blue lights to capture the atmospheric feel of the original maps. Looking at the pictures, I can't see much, and they make me kinda claustrophobic. I'd be pleased to help you test, just invite me whenever you're testing. P.S. Is that the crypt light I see in the first picture? Ppft.
I'd just love to test this. If you ever need an extra player just add me. I love the multiple levels. I've tried to plan a map like this for about a year, but I couldn't get the design correct.
This looks pretty awesome. Love how you've done the elevation change and just the overall map. If you need an extra tester, send me a message or invite me.
Another great map... dang. Looking great whats it for, 1v1? If you need help testing inv me, because it looks very fun ^^
As always, Urban! I'll invite you soon as possible Haha you too Lights. You're just so dang hard to get ahold of!
Oh Oh alot of nice maps are coming out as of late, this one looks pretty amazing. Hang em High and Prisoner are 2 of my favorite maps of all time, so combining the 2 should be amazing, if you can pull it off hahaha. Jk but seriously send me an invite sometime i'd love to play this. Gt: CaptnSTFU
that looks very nice dude.. i wanna see how it plays I like these indoorsy type maps.. they look so much better and i feel they play better than the open air maps.
I really enjoyed a duel between you on this map. I instantly knew what you where going for theme-wise. I was basically blown away. I couldn't believe how you made it so fast and yet so good. Spawns I'd say are perfect. You really dressed for success in this one. Good job dude
Hooray! Another Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt map! In my opinion, you guys are the best forging team ever. Ocean Arena was amazing. Anyway, the map looks awesome. I like the crypt light in the first pick, it gives the map a mystic kind of feel. A little small, but since it's made for 1v1 I guess that's ok. Good luck, guys! Can't wait!
That looks amazing. Really. I've always wanted to make a 1v1 map, but I could never get a good design... I must duel you on this - GT: RockyOrange77