Default shouldn't suck... For cryin out loud, it should be the map to beat, imo. Like, I wish after playing hundreds of custom maps on either Foundry or Sandbox, you could go back and be like "Meh, still not any better then default."
Im surprised you expected default sandbox to be any good at all. Bungie have a reputation from making really bad default maps Anywho, how come you havnt had Mythic untill now?
I never said it should suck, i wish no default maps suck. Its just that it did, not much you can do about it
Sandbox is an amazing map by default compared to Bungie's other flops. Look at Standoff and Isolation. Sandbox uses them for toilet paper.
standoff is one of my favess. sandbox is pretty good in my opinion. i just like custom made ones more.
Hey, it may be boring, poorly built and poorly executed in design terms, but at least they realised that a symmetrical layout is, by definition, harder to unbalance than an asymm. Default Foundry is broooooooken, default Sandbox is just a rather boring map that frustrates on a reasonably regular basis. On Foundry you had right hand snipes (looking from energy drain towards the back wall with grav lift on it), and every where else is crap. At least on Sandbox, every poorly designed aspect is mirrored and it's effective impact in crapness terms is reduced massively.
Quoted for undeniable Truth. Anyways, i recognize that I should be thankful they made such a map that us forgers can splurge on, but regardless, prior to release, they could have done something where like a few testers would compete on forge for a chance to make the official Sandbox. Or maybe they did. Hell if I know.
I think that the default Sandbox is terrible because it is just a pile of blocks... besides the base and the middle structure, the map is just a bunch of blocks to fill up the empty space much like a paintball arena (a bunch of blocks that do not make any structures) the blocks barely provide cover because grenades can be thrown right next to them.
They changed it, but when sandbox first came out, rockets on red side spawned every 90 seconds and rockets on blue side spawned every 120 seconds. Oops
there are 7 obelisks on default sandbox which means one base has 3 and the other has 4 so its not exactly a symmetrical map..
Nah, pretty sure it was all internal. Tbh I dunno how I feel about it. Part of me wants it to be better, but another part of me sees it as the kinda short demo of what Sandbox is really about. I suppose what pisses me off most is that, even if you accept it as that short demo, it's still shoved in your face all the time in MM. If you're gonna try and use it as a map in its own right up alongside the others, then make it kewl and good. This principle particularly grinds with maps like Tundra and Cubed, those don't have the excuse of being default layouts, but arguably gesturing towards what Sandbox 'should' be for. And, if anything, they suck more than default Sandbox. Significantly more.
I always assumed they made sandbox so awful to be like a message to the community. "Here's a terrible map, now go make it better"
I actually really like the default layout, it is a very easy to learn layout, balanced vehicles, and its fun. Its not a technical masterpiece, but its fun. and I agree with Mick, they didn't set the bar too high so newer forgers wont feel overwhelmed.