What do you guys think they can do with forge filters in the next map pack? I have a few ideals: Night Vision Matrix code (1's and 0's. 3's and 7's for me only) Infared (People and everything warm shows up red) cel shaded
Actually, that Matrix code sounds really funny. But I don't think it's possible to implement. Everything else sounds pretty obtrusive. So no.
filters are by far bungies biggest -censored- up. They promise us cool new features and give us things that do naught but prohibet gameplay
I wouldn't have minded forge filters as much if they were a: Destructable in game (if you didnt want the effect blown set it to auto respawn b:were an area of effect that was chooseable c:you could have more than one of each Then youd be able to use them in switches and might have some use in actual gameplay...over all i do't like them they're just kinda gimicky And yes staged screens are lame,i prefer when you do something cool and are just "OMG HOW THE ****'D I DO THAT!?" And to get back on topic a filter that mists over the landscape making crouched people harder to see and generally being "mist"erious (bad pun!) a filter that makes the hornet less of a piece of -censored- on the new maps thermal as mentioned above the anti n00b that makes all n00bs snipeable through walls with indicators midget out *POOF*
Okay.... Ummm, green (nightvision-y) filter would be cool. And it would be possible, just look at Old-timey. A less blurry nova. Darkness (not extreme, but to the point where it looks like night)