Mythic DLC The Meeting Hall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by TripleO8, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Tired of having your clan meetings in the lobby ? Get your clan mates together, in this new exciting Meeting hall, where good meets evil. The heavenly effect of a waterfall on one side, connects to the Hellish Castle on the other . This meeting hall map was interlocked smoothly, and is made to fit all ranks in your clan ! I made this map based on how my clan was run, to fit its ranks, and to fit its rules. Sorry if it does not fit your clan exactly, feel free to edit it .

    Main Overviews :

    Two overviews of the map.

    Overview of the Dark Side


    Overview of the Heavenly Side


    The Speaker :

    Whoever is running the meeting, or is announcing an event, should speak up here.

    How to get up the waterfall


    How to get to the board


    Speaking to the clan


    The Bleachers :

    There are to Overhanging bleachers, mainly meant for higher ups.

    How to get into the bleachers ( The RIGHT Killball facing the WATERFALL )


    Watching the speaker


    Tossing nades at the newbies ( Does no damage )



    Overview of the Bleachers


    The Generals Castle :

    The Generals Castle, is meant for the highest rank's seat. In the Generals Castle, you can find a Custom Powerup, A sniper, And a Grav lift. The custom power up, allows you to do damage on your clan mates. The highest rank, has the power to kill whoever is disbehaving. The Grav Lift can be used to get to a snipers ledge located beside it, for easier sniping access.

    How to get in the castle ( the LEFT Killball Facing the WATERFALL )


    Inside the castle


    Custom Powerup, Grav Lift, And Sniper


    How to get up to the sniping ledge


    Overview of the Castle


    The Steps :

    The steps are mainly seats for lower ranks.

    Watching the speaker


    The Vip Spot

    The Vip Spot is located above the meeting hall. These seats are special for one or two people, who have done a good job that week, or anyone who is special .

    Taking the Hornet , to the Vip Spot


    Landing on the Vip Spot, + Overview


    The Jail / Sewer

    The Sewer is located where the waterfall starts. Whenever the Custom Powerup user kills someone, they spawn inside of the Sewer, acting as a jail cell. In here, they can still watch the meeting, but are stuck in a limited space .

    The Sewer


    About the Gametype :

    The gametype is quite simple, nobody can kill anybody. The only person who can kill, is whoever picks up the custom power up. The custom power up's duration is 90 seconds long, so whoever picks it up, should stay near the castle. Everyone spawns with pistols, and the only weapon, is available to the Highest rank. The Bleachers do have Grenades though, And the Vip Spot has Fire Bombs, but they do no damage, it is used only to discipline lower ranks. Be Careful though, You CAN commit Suicide.

    *HINT : I made it possible to get out of the sewer, incase being trapped in by an accident, but if your in there by being warned, and you escape, you will get booted , you were already warned !

    Thankyou guys for viewing my map, positive feedback would be GREAT ! Remember, I based this map, upon my own clan, sorry if it does not work perfectly for all clans .

    Map Download Link (CLICK HERE)

    Gametype Download Link (CLICK HERE)
    #1 TripleO8, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  2. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this is cool the castle looks like the one from socratic method i like the whole concept of the meeting hall with the different seats and the jail cell
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Very nice aesthetics map. You really pulled through with the meeting idea and if I was in a clan, I would download. The only 'sloppy' part I could find was here:


    The wall is slightly crooked. Is that on accident or did you slightly rush this and possibly other parts of the map? Other than this the map looks wonderful and I totally love the waterfall, the observational deck, and the Steps section. Its all VERY NICE =D
  4. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Gollygeeanelite, that is likely to be Forge's vector points screwing up. The vector points (The teardrops, i'd think) can only be so precise, to keep the game engine awesome. If it is just user fault, It isn't a huge deal :D

    Other wise, I think I'd just download for the lulz. I'm not in a clan, nor do I want to be in one, but this is just neat, It may not be as big as other 'Clan Halls', but it's functionality is the best
  5. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Thankyou everyone, for the positive feedback, It took me a long time to make this map, like a realllyyy long time, but still.. My clan said its not good enough. Yet they know nothing about forging. lol
    Thankyou everyone though.
  6. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    Verry good idea. I would reccomend cutting it in half or making it two maps. So you have a nice clan or the mean clan. Too bad I don't need it because I have no clan.
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i really like the asthetics on this probably the best meeting hall i have seen the waterfall and castle look great and the jail idea was really cool unfortunatly i have no need for this kind of map so no dl but 5/5 on asthetics
  8. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    See, my clan leader wanted me to make it dark and evil looking on one side, but nice on the other, lol so i did what he wanted. In my opinion , if i split it in half, it wouldnt be as good, the two, dark and evil, kinda look good together.

    Haha, yeah, i didnt expect many downloads, mostly constructive critism, and for anyone who needs a clan meeting map. Thanks for the positive feedback :)
  9. kore99X

    kore99X Ancient
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    Very well done.It like the idea where it is not just a meeting hall and has some extra features which makes me and sure hell alot of other people dl it.
  10. ViolentDownfall

    ViolentDownfall Ancient
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    very good map, downloaded a few days ago, i changed the custom power-up to the vip area, and i took out the hornets and added another hidden telporter in the castle area, it looks very nice, cant wait to have a meeting
  11. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    The aesthetics are great. It is too bad I don't need this kind of map, as I am lone wolf (lol). I like the flags you put around the place, that kind of thing would've never occured to me.

    The only flaw I could find was the slanted wall near the custom powerup, but that was probably those vector points.
  12. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    The map is awesome. This has to be one of the most detailed and well thought-out clan meeting maps I have ever seen. One problem: link to gametype cannot find the gametype. Still, great map, and can't wait to see the link fixed.
  13. Ring 127

    Ring 127 Ancient
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    really good. the one thing i see with it being a wee-bit sloppy, is the tin cups, but maby i'm just being picky. other than that, it is very original.

    DA DIRTY DELL Ancient
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    this map looks great but i think i can kinda see why ur clan leader didnt like it and what im about to say is not to insult but for constructive criticism...for gametype make forced color black bc red and default colors like tht look lame and put a different fx filter in their bc whatever ur using (juicy maybe) just isnt working out try gloomy and juicy i dont really know but i really like the idea and the aesthetics but some parts of this map are kind of bland but if u just fix up parts of this map it would be completely awesome and ur leader would like it alot better

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