There was a way you could kill children in fallout, you had to do it in some city when they were sleeping with the sandman perk thing. Youtube it. Although it is a glitch, not intended to be in the game..
I doubt there would be any contreversy at all unless you're talking about some American political extremists. Maybe it'll get a minute from Fox news declaring it unamerican. That being said, the media isn't usually as uninformed as the Mass Effect case. That was just disgraceful.
I think that most things in a video game is fine. As long as the media, society, and gamers realize that it is only a game and MEANT FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! If the media freaks out about it then let them. It won't stop me from playing a game. I'm sure that most people are smart enough to either 1. Not let their child get any ideas from a game. -or- 2. Not buy the game for a child that seems like they will get any ideas. There have been far worse things in games and movies. Just because a game is very popular doesn't mean that it shouldn't be thought of like the rest. I do think that killing children is completly out of the question though. It shouldn't be done.
What ages of people can we kill in video games? 18? 17? 16? Stop me when it become immoral. The intro isn't encouraging people to become terrorists, it's setting the mood for the entire game. People kill other people for nothing more than a clash in ideology. Innocent people die for the whims of others. Bad things happen. If anything, this could be one of the most understanding scenes in video gaming, the "brave SAS soldiers" fighting for freedom and profit aren't the only side of war. Don't forget, for the other 98% of the game you will be on the other side of the looking glass.
Sure, kids can virtual kill people, but they can't be virtually killed. Next time you face a 12 year old in Halo 3, THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.
The scene could be done from a different point of view, not neccesarily that of the killers. Perhaps you could be an on looker that has to escape. It is immoral to kill children, and that is that. There is no age in video games so if it looks like a child then you can't shoot it. Yes but they would say black people are being persecuted. And they're Russian you dolt.
Because they are children. How do people not comprehend this? They are young, they are innocent. Even hundreds of years ago, part the rules of war: you do not kill children. You would have to be a horrible monster to even consider intentionally killing children. Yes, you would have to be deranged to kill innocent civilians, but targeting children? I honestly do not know how you cannot understand what is wrong about this.
I totally agree. Children have their whole lives and hopes ahead of them and for a person to take that away would just be wrong. Children are the begining of life.
Then I say is wrong to kill trees and then eat their apples. Because they are apples and trees. How can you not understand it?! They are young, they are innocent, you would have to be deranged and a horrible monster to even consider killing trees and then eating apples. I honestly don't know why you can't understand this. Trees have their whole lives ahead of them, and for anyone to take that away from them would just be wrong. Trees are the beginning of life.
What are you talking about? Your not even funny dude. "I am going to change around a few words with a totally immature topic so that I seem like a total douchebag!"
Dumbass. If you seriously cannot get it through your head why it would be crossing the line to kill children in a video game, then, pardon me, but you are a ****ing idiot.
YOUR STATEMENTS ABOUT ****ING APPLES! I'm sorry but in a video game about the terrors of war and the honor and dignity of soldiers, apples apply nowhere.
Not really, since apples are not sentient beings and therefore incapable of thought, emotion, or any other human sensation.
Fine then, replace the previous statement with one about baby flies. They're sentient and capable of emotion. Also, are you saying apples don't have rights because they're apples? Additionally, what if that child that grows up is the next Adolf Hitler?
It cannot be proven whether flies or any other animal experience any thought or emotion besides survival instinct. Your argument stands invalid. Apples are a fruit. Human rights apply to human beings. So be it, there is no way to tell when he is a child. By that logic, you would kill every child in the world because there is a slight possibility that he or she will be a genocidal maniac. Now where would that put the world? Again, you argument remains invalid.
My point is, what gives a child more right to live then any other person? Are you saying children should have more rights then adults? Sure, the kid may have "his/her whole life ahead of him/her", but the adult also has "his/her whole life ahead of him/her".
Guys, come on. Enough with this. If this is turning into a debate over whether or not apples have rights or some ****... please, please put it into the debate section, we do actually have that. On to the topic: Ive seen many, many games that involve killing innocent civilians. Take into account the numerous Grand Theft Auto's, or other games of the same genre. If you don't want to kill 'em, don't buy the game.