I am making a map about the recent Swine Flu epidemic. It should be done soon. StoryRonny Pierce is a young man graduating from Law School soon. His exam is tommorow! But he hasn't been feeling well for a while. Poor Ronny. He has been diagnosed with swine flu. He has been sick for awhile now and his symptoms are getting worse! Will the white blood cells (humans) be able to fight off the virus (infected) before the exam? GameplayThe infected (virus) have mongooses and must ride on mongooses around Ronny's arteries and try to infect all of his cells (humans) by splattering them. The humans will have a wide arsenal however so this will not be an easy task. Later ghosts will spawn making the virus harder to fight off! Pictures ^Here is the white blood cells base. Lots of weapons will be available and possibly a vehicle or two depending on how things work out. ^Here is the exit to the WBC's Base. They must get out fast before killballs spawn and destroy Ronny's hopes! ^This is an overview so far. I want to make the map big and like a maze of arteries in which white blood cells try to save Ronny! I Need Your Opinion! Should I make the game objective or slayer based without vehicles? I am open to name changes. I am also open to anybody who wants to help me forge the map. Just send FuriousFilly720 a friend request on XBL along with a voice or text message saying you want to help me forge the map. Thanks for reading.
Do ghosts fit inside of a tube? Otherwise it's a cool idea with the maze. It would be hard to splatter someone with a mongoose, unless the gametype is like 10% health for humans
I've never even thought of ghosts fitting in tubes. I will have to test that. But i know something besides a mongoose must fit in a tube.
Yes Ghost do fit in the tube. Regards to the OP I think it should stay infection, but maybe change the map name to The Body or TheImmuneSystem?... Also you might want to consider tube ramps or geo merging the tubes, because that will be 1 bumpy ride for the mongooses.
Moar Interlox lol, but seriously please more interolocking? Just to keep everything neat and tidy. Lookin' good otherwise.
Then I suggest reading through some forge 101, before posting again. The Forgehub community has a really high standard when it comes to stuff like neatness and interlocking.
I dont believe interlocking is needed. Ive tested it and it seems to be fine. Also I am done with the map and Gametype, I just need testing done.
If anything, add a tube ramp before the tube starts in the picture above. I absolutely hate having to jump to get into a map.
its funny that some one would do this i am in the process of testing a map called the attack of the flus where the white blood cells try to defend the hman, the vip. the attackers are avian flu(h5ni) or bird flu who attck with banshees and hornets, there is also swine flu(h1n1) or influeza who attack on foot.
ooh. Well basically I wanted to make infection in a maze. Then to make it fair I made the infected have to splatter people for it. This map is made for large parties so that it is more fair. I would say no less than 8. Also, the map is done so if anybody wants to test it just hit me up with a message and I will get the map and gametype to you.