"Forerunner Conflict" is a military war-simulation set on Bungie's epic game, Halo 3. http://forerunnerconflict.invisionzone.com In "Forerunner Conflict", there are two sides, or 'Armies' fighting each other for control of the multiplayer maps. As there are (so far) 10 maps available, each army will have 5 at the start. One capital and four other locations. -You start as a recruit, choose your army, Red or Blue, and go through a basic bootcamp. Afterwards, you can choose to do advanced bootcamp, and get to know your peers better. For more information, Enlist! (see end of post) -Every week, the leaders of each Army picks one enemy map to invade, and every Sunday battles are held to determine the fate of the maps chosen. If the attacking army wins, they gain control of the map. If the defenders win, they keep their map. The war ends when one side conquers the other's Capital map. Now, an army cannot attack directly at the others capital, they must first create a path to it, by conquering several maps leading up to it. For a more in-depth view at how this works, please look at the War Map, when it is made available. To add more depth and tactical thinking to the mix, "Forerunner Conflict" features the first 'Resource Gathering System' in Halo War-Sim history. Each map will have its own special, unique weapons, vehicles, and equipment as resources, and the occupying Army gains access to them for use in battles. As well, each map will generate an amount of money for the army to spend on 'buying' the items they wish to take into battle with them each week. To make the War even more realistic, we will take full advantage of the Forge tool, and once battle locations and resource purchasing has been completed, our own resident 'Forger' will take the information given, and place the items on the maps at each armies spawn point. Speaking as representative of our Clan, i can assure you that this IS one of the best places to be right now, involved in our community. We've been around since about halfway through Halo 2's 'life', however, under the names of 'Red vs Blue Retaliation', and 'RvB Redemption'. We're closley related to a lot of popular groups, too. Some of you might have heard of the makers of 'Prophecy', a popular Machimania series, soon to debue. Others may have heard of Injured Knee Productions, or IKP, whom have worked with us for a while now, closely related. And even some members of This Spartan Life were in our wars! Here at Forerunner Conflict, -We have a Extremely Awesome Community (EAC). Our members all know each other very well, for the most part, and we welcome newcomers with open arms...well as open as our arms can open over Xbox Live..anyways, we all play matchmaking with each other pretty much daily, its a blast. Everyone, for the most part, respects one another, and Rudeness, Lewdness, Racial, or -blam!- slurs are striclty prohibited. Let me tell you, this is one of the greatest communities i have had the UPTMOST pleasure to take part in. you will make SO MANY NEW FREINDS, its not even funny. Seriously. Moving on! -We also are chalk-full of people with photoshop,including myself, so if you need a forums signiture or 'sig', just post a request in the GFX secion of our forums. People will jump to serve you, and sometimes argue. =D So please, if you would like to join one of THE BEST Halo3 EAC's out there, join Forerunner Conflict! -Hurry, the wars start soon! Enlist here, soldier! http://forerunnerconflict.invisionzone.com Thank you for your time, and consideration, Captain Eri Ri 1138, Red Army.
I tried a clan (EGA). Turned out it was EGgay. Only b/c of these weekly meetings where they talked about nothing. i would join, but i wouldnt be able to come to any meetings at all. Best of luck with new recruits. Ill mention u to my friends.
This looks really stupid...and may be seen as advertising. I will leave it up to TDF to see if it should be deleted. Oh and all this is is Chromehounds