Sandbox The Recon Ruins

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Souperintendent, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Back a very long time ago, the town of Nocer (anyone who gets this pun gets a cookie) had a false God that they worshiped. They eventually built a statue and altar in its honor. They disappeared mysteriously, and now you get to explore it.

    Or kill each other.


    Anyways, my first real Slayer map on Sandbox is here. Well, an Aesthetic map mostly, and it's not a seriously Competitive map, so it goes here.

    This is a map where there's a giant Recon helmet (made by xkevlar) on one side of the map, with an altar leading to it.

    Everything else are structures, each with a Sniper spot and a vehicle, piece of Equipment, and Battle Rifle(s).

    In the center is a pillar that has a Gravity Hammer on top, with a Deployable Grav Lift below it.

    There is also a secret in the Recon Helmet. Follow it to the very back, jump up and crouch over and over, and you'll end up in the Sky Bubble, with two exits, one to the Altar and the other to the top of the Recon Helmet, and two Snipers!


    X4-Battle Rifle: On each structure behind a Tube Ramp.
    X2-Needler: One below the structures with the Chopper and the Mongoose.
    X1-Brute Shot: One on the ramp up to the top of the structure with the Mongoose.
    X5-Sniper: Yeah, this is a Sniper based map. One on each of the highest points on each structure, and 2 on the secret.
    X1-Energy Sword: Between the Obelisks on the altar.
    X2-Beam Rifle: On the tallest sand dune.
    X1-Rocket Launcher-In an alcove beneath the altar.
    X1-Spartan Laser-On top of the Recon helmet, accessible by either the teleporter or the Banshee.
    X2-Machine Gun Turret: On the structures with a Chopper and a Mongoose.
    X1-Fuel Rod Gun: In an alcove in the base with a Mongoose.


    X1-Bubble Shield: On the structure with a Chopper.
    X1-Regenerator: On the structure with a Mongoose.
    X1-Power Drain: Behind the structure with the Sniper Tower.
    X1-Grav Lift: At the bottom of the central Pillar, on the side facing the Recon helmet.
    X1-Trip Mine: In a corner below the structure with a Mongoose.



    Quite a description, huh? Wait, we're forgetting something? Well, here's a video!

    YouTube - Halo 3 Maps: Episode 3 - Recon Ruins

    Well, if that's not enough, here are some Screenshots to make some things not quite so easy to see in the video easier to see.

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    The Helmet

    The Altar

    The Rocket Launcher

    The Pillar

    Fuel Rod Gun Spawn

    The Sniper Tower

    The Structure Farthest Away from the Helmet from the Back

    The Secret:

    On Top of the Helmet

    And here's one I took while taking these.

    Explosive Stink

    Download "Ruins"
    #1 Souperintendent, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah, I see someone actually made a map with his aesthetic piece. Be sure to credit xkevlar in bold or just make it noticeable, because some people are gonna think you forged the head, and you'll get annoying bickering from others on your thread.

    It seems like there are quite a few power weapons on the map. I'm not saying it's bad, but I'd need to do a playthru to find out. The teleporters also seem interesting.

    Can I have my cookie for recon backwards?
    #2 Black Theorem, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  3. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    OK, well I put xkevlar in bold now, and the Power Weapons don't affect the map very much because

    1. They aren't in plain reach.
    2. There are vehicles that need the Power Weapons to balance.

    Check the video, where me and my 2 friends played Crazy King. The Power Weapons didn't do much nor were used very much.

    And yes, of course,

  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Holy **** that looks delicious! I'm very jealous.

    Hasn't this done once before? Either way, this one looks better. More detailed than the older one I saw. Nice job on the map. As always.
  5. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Tbh, the part that you made isn't very aesthetically pleasing. It just seems like a bunch of random structures with a ramp leading to kevlar's recon helmet. If you meant it to be a competitive map, I have to agree with Black Theorem; there are way too many power weapons to allow fair gameplay.

    Keep trying, though. Make the building unique and ancient looking to accommodate Kevlar's helmet.
  6. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    This ancient race had a name...the Noobs!
  7. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    I'm not sure about this. It seems to me as though you have taken a pretty darn impressive aesthetic creation, spent 15 minutes adding a few block structures, and are now passing it off as your own. Already, some people have been deceived. I'd state in bold at the top of your post exactly what this map is, and who it was made by.
  8. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    The guy's name is in bold, I spent about 2 days on this map, and I'm not passing it off as my own. I made it into an actual map, and in no way think it's completely mine.

    I know there's a lot to read and see in the first post, but please read it before commenting.
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    So is this a competitive map or an aesthetic map? I know it's posted in the aesthetic section but you keep talking about weapon layout.
  10. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    It's more Aesthetic than Competitive, which is why it's in Aesthetic, but you can play Crazy King and Slayer on it and it becomes a bit Competitive.
  11. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    he said this in an aesthitic piece i dont know why people are complaining about the gameplay,he made an aeshetic map into something you could play and i ried this map and the powered weapons work perfectly on this map so domt post stupid things because your just letting his map down.
  12. TheReaper9456

    TheReaper9456 Ancient
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    This map is is the best replica of the recon helmet i have ever seen...all the shape and details are for the gametype WHO CARES!?
  13. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Do you see now? People don't tend to read the fine print; they merely look at the pretty pictures. So yes, kevlar's name has been mentioned, and yes, it is bold. But unless you put a huge warning at the top with explicit credit given, you are bordering plagiarism.

    Technically, you shouldn't be allowed to post anything created by another person unless permission has been given.

    I truly feel this thread should be locked. It is posted in the aesthetic maps section, and the only structure that is remotely aesthetic has been stolen from somebody else.

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