WatchTowers DOWNLOAD Play with Infection Watchtowers is my second Infection map. It is based in the skybubble however infected spawn in THE CRYPT. it is basically a courtyard with a surrounding system of tunnels. The main chokepoint is the fountain, however if you can see it you can get there, but so can the zombies... Human spawn, after 30 seconds gravlifts/man cannons make impossible to spawncamp int there, since the teleports lead to certain demise.. after 30 seconds the vault shuts... Honour rule, if by some freak of chance you manage to survive the 30 second spawnkill in that room please suicide, i am yet to work out all the bugs, there are certain spots where you will survive. Meanwhile the infected spawn in the crypt and leave via a teleporter, after 30 seconds killballs will flood this area so if your afk you will be taken there anyway. anyways thats the map... feel free to dl and give constructive criticism. DOWNLOAD HERE Other shots: These are the hallways surrounding the courtyard, after 60 seconds a rocket spawns witch should draw out some of the lazier campers..
it works with all modes of infection but ive tested it with 'save one bullet' and 'infection' and i prefer the infection because the weapons are key to the symetry of this map
I think you made a good choice on building this in the sky bubble. It seems to be aesthetically pleasing, by the looks of it. It’s always nice to engage in a battle, with a sexy fountain in the center of the map. If you could provide us with a little more information on the game type, that would be great.Im going to download, 4/5.
i refer you to a post two posts above yours: " it works with all modes of infection but ive tested it with 'save one bullet' and 'infection' and i prefer the infection because the weapons are key to the symetry of this map" but thanks for the comment =]
Maybe some action shots? I really like the Light placement. It gives the map that "Feel" anyways, this looks like fun, but more of a Slayer map! I also like how the Tubes act as a floor on some of the level. Very creative.
I cant really get action shots, my internet got throttled so i cant play halo online, im switching providers soon so i can play halo again soon.
I like maps that are great to look at, but you can play on it. This is one of those maps. Thank you very much for showing it to us. From the pics, I can all ready tell that this is a fun map.