I made a teaser signature for my up coming map, Elephant, it's pretty basic. [mouseoverimage=http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd321/KrazyKumquat/elesig1regmouseover.png]http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd321/KrazyKumquat/elesig1reg.png[/mouseoverimage] (there's a mousover effect) I mainly want to know what needs fixed with depth, how the text looks, and what could be improved on the with the grayscaling.
mouseover effect is great. btw you dont really need the link along with the linkable sig... as for the sig, depth could be added with blurring it, but you don't really want the whole thing so dark.. maybe lighten the whole thing up a tad
Thanks to for all the feedback. Based on what people have said I'll probably add a light source and blur the whole thing a little bit more. @Knight: I linked it twice because... Well I don't know why, but I'm getting ready to add some more map links down there sometime soon, so it'll all balance out.
I recommend toning the quality down, cuz it took my computer about a minute just to load the 2nd pic for the mouseover effect. Otherwise, I've got no complaints.
Lol, then maybe you have a TERRIBLE computer, as my laptop can barely handle 10fps on WoW (not known for it's graphically abilities) and I had an instant load.
I have a 4 year old mac... it's not that bad. I'm just saying you should consider other people and their computers too.. not everyone has amazing computers.
Im not sure if this is true but, wouldn't the speed of your internet decide how fast you load the picture?
Yea, my internet isn't great. Just save it as a jpeg with "better" quality.. it doesn't even look different.