I was doing a project for government of how the government wastes money which is just breathtaking once you research a bit. Most of what I have to say is how the US wastes money, but some of this applies to other countries as well. The US is probably the most wasteful, but all governments with no exeption can find a way to put taxdollars to waste. The thing that was most shocking to me was this article: Basically it is saying, that all of the bailouts were more than the Marshall plan, Louisianna Purchase, getting to the moon, S&L bailout, Korean war, New Deal, Iraq and Afghanistan War, Vietnam War, and nasa's lifetime budget combined. That is pretty scary. I mean, prior to this, I think US government only spent about 100 million dollars on the bailouts. I mean this is just astounding. I don't know if all these bailouts were worth the money. But that is not even the start, just because of the US governments stupidity we spend an extra trillion dollars.One way is through just random studies that would make fun facts, but are not worth the millions of dollars. Here is one article I read: It's as infuriating as it is funny. There are a lot more ways, but I don't want to make it too long. -Paying bills late and having to pay billions extra -Paying $500 dollars for one toilet plunger and $100,000 for a few plane tickets and then decided not to use them. -Government payed 2.6 million dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job. -Good Examples -Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties. -Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them–costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually–fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve -Examples from multiple Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports of wasteful duplication include 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs -50 more ways What do you think though because I may not be seeing both sides. Do you think the US government is wasteful with its money? Support your answer, and no spam.
But burning money would create more pollution! It's smarter to dig a big hole and bury the money in it. That way, after a few hundred years it'll fade into the background radiation.
Im american but the french are right americans are stupid. It's the people who voted these asses into office and noone seems to tslk sbout this in normal conversation and noone does anything about it shows how damn good we are huh?
About 75% of the people on this website are retarded, illiterate, or a combination of both. Completely unfit to run any government at all. You may as well have said 'I'd like to see how George Dubya would run this country another four years.' Also, inb4 'you're part of that 75% derp'
I have no idea which side of this arguement you're on. Anyway, I was implying that nobody on this website could do anywhere near as good.
You know that's not true right? NASA at first used a pencil and the pen was independently developed with no charge to the government. Then NASA bought the pens after being tested because pencils were a hazard. I honestly don't know how much of that stuff you put up is true, sure we waste money, but try finding better examples.
You're right. Damn. Fixed and got rid of everything from YAHOO. Stupid site. I'll try to update it with better examples ASAP. Inaccuracies being fixed and double checked. [updated] -Spent 2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly instead of 3.6 million. -NASA... well... what he said, and it was 9 million to develop the pen. -More stuff.
Burrying money causes the same level of polution as burning it as bacteria consume the cellulose, and output carbon dioxide. The only way to make this truly carbon neutral is the send the dollarbill into space or do so with the created carbon dioxide. Also my dad is a geologist and from research carbon dioxide sequestration does not work.