Chillax brah. Din' meen nuffink. My ignorance is non existant, now step aside whilst I gun down every sumbitch in dat airport.
I can't really tell from the video, but do they include children? Or did they pull a GTA where there are no kids?
I hope there are children because the whole purpose of that level is to create a hatred of terrorists and show how important it is that the Marines and S.A.S. do what they do. Although there probably won't be any since anti-gamers will absolutely rape Infinity Ward if they find out this game has violence against children. =/
Could be worse. It could have been flamethrowers in a school, or a nursing home, maternity ward or a hospital or something.
You can already do that in GTA:VC. I think there was a specific frenzy to do that too. Either way, it was awesome.
I do not deny that humour is a tool for dealing with things nor did I say that I have never made a joke about a subject which many people would find offensive. What I said, and was clearly stated in the post, was that it was inappropriate and ignorant for such things to be posted on a public website. I fail to see how I have a sense of superiority because of that.
First off, IW has stated it is real but decline to EXPLAIN it without having the background of the rest of the game. I don't think it's out of nowhere and I doubt it wasn't done tastefully in the game. Is it violent? Yes. Immoral? I doubt it. We're not re-enacting 9/11. Honestly, to do that wouldn't be anything like re-enacting the Holocaust (which I don't find funny by the way. It's not something to joke about), but it'd just not appropriate IMO. However, going against "shootings in a public area" is really stupid. Most countries have been devastated by terrorism, and one event in the US (though it was a tragedy) doesn't mean that any game that involves hurting the US through terrorism should become taboo. Re-enacting, sure, I don't think it's just fine. But from what I can tell, this isn't that.
you absolutely cannot kill children in any video game. period. realistic or not, its just completely out of the question and immoral.
I think what he is getting at is that people would freak about it. I mean, if you recreated the genocide of jewish people during world war 2 and put it in a video game, I bet people would freak.
It is, as I previously pointed out: Although it warns you that it is violent and allows you to skip it. EDIT: I thought you meant the level was fake. Nevermind. In Fallout 3, not only could you murder children, you could also kidnap them and sell them as slaves. ^_^
I don't have the time atm but something something standing up for them, tone of writing, etc. I'll edit if I care enough later.
you sir, are mistaken. any child you shoot at, their health bar stays the same and they just run away from you. trust me. you dont kill children. in any game. not just that they wouldnt do it, but they cant. if children were being killed, i guarantee you that the game would not be on any store shelves.
Yeah, killing children in a game will pretty much instantly get it banned. I remember from a fable 2 interview Peter said he wanted to do more things with children in the game, quests and such. But including children in the violence of the game was a risk. I personally am looking forward to seeing this scene actually.
Yeah, I was looking for that pre-release screenshot of Fable 1 where the hero was performing one of the fatality moves on a child, stabbing him in the head as he lay on the ground. I couldn't find it, but I distinctly remember there being a pretty violent reaction to that before Lionhead studios pulled the screenshot from all promotional material and made children invincible.
That too, but i was mainly talking about fable 2, where there is quests involving children but they had to cut them cause they didn't want children being involved in violence. On topic again: I actually can't wait for the media to see this. Im sooooo looking forward to seeing how much they distort and make everything biased against gamers and mw2. Just like mass effect. I think im actually more forward to seeing how hilarious the media reviews are than killing innocent civilians. I just watched the video and omg, it looks like fun.