Sandbox Premise

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Epitomous Nub, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Premise V2
    Created By: Epitomous Nub

    Description -
    - Originally concieved as a series of small ideas, this map was propelled by the idea that it would be an opus magnum. Set apart in its creation by a lack of an overall vision, it was brought together by a desire to use a unique art style and inspiration from an interesting map made by a friend. The map plays on a wider scale than most - combat only becoming intimate in the bases - and was intended to have a focus on map control and team fire. The floor is mostly barren, and was made so with CTF in mind; the lack of cover creates a no-man's-land that becomes an obstacle when capturing a flag. The man cannons beneath the ledge and sniper tower allow fast access to each position at the cost of exposure. This map is considered the first version, as large scale testing has yet to be completed. I appreciate all input.

    Currently Premise is compatible with CTF, Slayer and Territories.

    Premise V2 - Some forging has been touched up, mainly interlocking the hinges on the platform. Active camo has also been added.

    Weapons -

    (BR starts are recommended with AR or SMG secondary)
    1xSniper Rifle (one spare clip)
    1xRocket Launcher (one spare clip)
    2xBrute Shot

    1xActive Camo (v2)

    1xBubble Shield

    4xPlasma Grenades

    From blue base facing red.

    From the floor. V2

    Overhead, showing Sniper and Blue.

    Red ramparts.

    Rocket spawn on the platform. V2

    Showing the ledge.

    Beneath red base.

    Blue base and ledge.



    From ledge, viewing platform.

    Blue base.




    #1 Epitomous Nub, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  2. LegendaryFluffy

    LegendaryFluffy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Beautiful work. I'm really digging the forty five degree angles that are all over the place. This is very aesthetically unique, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. I'll give it a DL and see how gameplay goes.
  3. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Great aesthetics with some unique ideas. Could possibly also work well as an MLG map. Is it possible to get onto the centre structure from the surrounding ground floor?
  4. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
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    Wow, very original aesthetics. Reminds me of the bridge from Halo 2 (Campaign, but can't remember level). Perhaps for v2 do a bit more merging?
  5. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    i like the aesthetics. i havent seen many people put the wall, half to use the way you do. from the screenshots i do see some gaps between the ramparts. those could use a bit of merging. other than that, great map. getting my download.
  6. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    A simple layout, yet executed well. Eye catching center and relatively pleasing structures overall. The floors made from walls look slightly bumpy but I cannot judge that just yet. For now, I have to base my opinion off of the pictures. I'll download and take a look later today though.
  7. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, with a well aimed crouch jump it is possible to get onto the platform from the smaller raised bits on the floor around it. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Haha, this picture is so sexy I giggled.

    If you are this good at forging obects, and you know you're spawn placement, weapon timing, et cetera, then I sense great things coming in your future. Im gonna go ahead and say I dont even want to rate this because I spend much more time on things to improve than amazing things, and since this is a V1 it probably has a few errors. I guess I will go ahead and test this, give some small feedback, then come again with all of my comments. If you do it, V2 is going to be soooooo sexy. For now, I would merge those upright half-walls into the 45 degree angled walls, because that would be a huge clean up that would make it so much better.

    BTW, I love your sig.
    #8 Jex Yoyo, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  9. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
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    Pretty nice, but what I might suggest is interlocking the wall corners to the wall corners(doesn't make to much sence). Very artistic and asthetic and would really take a players mind away from the battle and enjoy a sence of beautiful crafting. 4/5
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub!!!!!
    The precision and unique shapes of this give the appearance of a forrunner structure. Something like construct. The architecture is perfect, but this lacks the weapons and equipment to make a dynamic map. You have sufficent heavy weapons, but you might think of adding more small arms and equipment. Also an overshield under the rockets would afford someone more protection in crossing the map as a sort of checkpoint.
  11. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you. I will be sure to make that "hinge" smoother.
    For those who have or will download the map:
    - How is the cover? Too much? Too little?
    - Would you suggest any weapon changes?
    - Do the spawns work well?
  12. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks real fun. It reminds me of the levels from the first Halo after you encounter the Flood. Good job.
  13. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the ideas. Rather than add an overshield i stuck an active camo underneath the platform. I felt overshields wouldnt have as great an affect on the game due to the range of most combat; overshields make the biggest difference in close to mid range combat. The camo will add an interesting flavour to CTF matches and Team Slayer.
    Also - Is it possible to change the name of this thread to "Premise V2"? and how?

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