The Library, SketchUp model, in need of skilled foger(s)! The Library The Library, SketchUp File This is my first *real* attempt at designing a map. It takes inspiration from Epitaph (the pillars and upper walkway), Complex (the side hallways)(from Goldeneye 007), and some of the feel of Halo: CE maps (at least, I hope it will, it will need to be tested eventually). With that said, here's the situation: I am unable to forge right now, as I got the RRoD recently. In lieu of this, I come to you, the good people of ForgeHub, and want to see what you can do with the map. I will provide screenshots below, as well as a link to the SketchUp file. In the SketchUp file, I mostly did not account for interlocking between walls/floor pieces that is necessary to keep things smooth and solid, to prevent bumpiness and lost grenades. Aside from this, and any other changes I might mention, I would prefer it if you did not take any artistic liberties. Just follow the Sketch as close to the letter as you can. Now, here's the thing. I am putting this up here as an open challenge to the community. I don't intend to waste anyone's time or hurt anyone's feelings, but if I get multiple submissions, I will use the one that I feel is most to my liking. Don't take it personally, and please don't let this discourage you from attempting the map. Anyone who at least attempts this will be recognized when I finally present a finished map to FH. "The Library" is to be a rotationally symmetric map placed in the Crypt level of Sandbox. Gameplay wise, allow me to explain some of my choices. You might notice the large amount of columns in the map. I feel that they provide a nice balance of cover and aesthetics: They give the map a fairly unique feel, and also create the illusion of hallways when viewed from certain shallow angles, but are not solid walls--some simple movement can easily and quickly put you back in line to shoot at your target. The wide open area allows for nice long lines of sight, with some cover in between in the form of quasi-railings or ramps. Also, the high ceiling is, I feel, a staple of a good Halo map. It removes the feeling of being cramped in a box, and allows you to lob a grenade across the map. On to the map. Here's the screenshots, some of them are out of date, but not by too much. The SketchUp file is up to date, and probably finished unless I feel that I need to add some construction to the bottom middle area to limit the large LoS in the courtyard area. Other changes to note are the Large Columns (orange) that go from the floor to the surrounding walkway, are now stone columns. Also, the top level of the bases now have 2 wall, slits. Further, the ribcage structure along the ceiling will have to be removed, though it is not removed in the sketchup file. There simply (and sadly) aren't enough large columns (orange) for it to happen. The big white panels here are simply the un-textured bottom side of Ramp-Wide's Object Totals so far No spawns or weapons placed. Still to be placed: one, possibly 2 of both Red and Blue lights. 493/640 Objects $2,465 spent x40 Wall x16 Wall, Corner x18 Wall, Slit x18 Wall, T x38 Wall, Double x06 Wedge, Small x10 Wedge, Long x38 Block, Large x38 Block, Double x06 Block, Tall x28 Block, Huge x28 Wedge, Huge x04 Ramp, Large x18 Wedge, Large x28 Wedge, Corner x17 Column, Blue Small x17 Column, Red Small x24 Column, Large x19 Column, Stone Large x04 Obelisk x04 Fin x12 Ramp, Short x20 Ramp, Wide x02 Ramp, Thick x20 Arch x20 Wood Bridge, Large
I'm kind of interested, it seems as though you've got something good cooked up. I'd love to see your pics, maybe I'll help you build it.
This reminds me of a level on Demon souls... (Demons souls is a game on the PS3) Will this be in the sky bubble or crypt? Edit: new pics clearly show that it is in the crypt.
If you think you're up to the challenge, heh, then you're more than welcome to give it a go. I'll try to get a copy of the SU file linked in the main post shortly. I won't be available through Xbox Live until I get a new 'box, but I'll be readily available on here. Aye, it's designed for the crpyt. Sorry for the white-space, I hid all the features but the floor to ease the building process (Accidentally zooming out past the walls was starting to get really annoying, heh). As far as Demon souls, never played it. Sounds like it has good level design though, haha.
This map looks very interesting and fun to play on. I just wondering what program you used to create this images, because I would love to get my hands on it. This being your first post I'm suprised, it was very well written and professional. Keep up the great work! ...oh, and could I get the name of that program please? Or maybe the website in which you downloaded it
Looks good. Only thing I could recommend is one extra exit from the bases. They seem to all be coming from one side. Yeah, I was thinking about adding a tunnel or pathway of sorts that cuts into the "dead space" to the left/ride sides of the main area, and connects the upper level corners opposite the opposing team's top base entrance. Another possibility would be to remove the current sidewalls (both top and bottom) and make the map a giant rectangle. But all that can happen once I get my box back, heh. Awesome, I posted the SketchUp file in the first post (it's 44MB), so see what you can do with it. No rush, of course, you've pretty much got all month, haha.
Im definitely interested but its looks like theres a few people already wanting to do this. This map looks promising and I cant wait to see it out
The design looks great exept for one thing. If there is only one wall height above the walkway people will be able to grenade jump out of the map or get out with a hammer. Looks great other than that though.
A ceiling will definitely be added to the final product. I'm thinking of having a curved, high ceiling in the main area, to allow grenades to be thrown rather high, and over the bases/side areas (if I add them in later), the ceiling will be flat, laying just over the top of the current wall.
Damn, that looks epic. This has some really advanced ideas and very cool things that make me just happy, and its amazing that you included some of those really advanced designs. Please dont get frustrated at all, because then you might give up and this map looks like Halo CE heaven!
Definitely reminds me of Halo CE, good call Yoyo. Anyways, someone build this NAO!! Seriously this is a really solid design, havent really seen anything around Forgehub quite like it so it'll have that unique feel. I really like the addition of the tunnels from each base to the opposite sides, plus it looks really good the way you angled the ceiling. It will definitely benefit gameplay too since there's now more than one single path between bases. Overall I have no complaints! It looks clean, nothing too out-of-the-ordinary, yet still amazing. And the gameplay hopefully wont disappoint. I just hope someone decides to build this soon!
Im down for sure to try and do this, if youve already selected someone else may i ask that i use the middle bridge and sides in a map? Of course with due credit
Thanks for the encouraging words. I've tried to put a fair amount of thought into the map, from lines of sight to cover, and game flow. I've got a general idea of the weapon layout in mind, too. I'd love for this to evolve into a true gem. I haven't selected anyone, per se. While I plan and design the map from behind the scenes, unable to work on it due to RRoD, I'd love to have someone with better forge skills than I give it a try while I'm unable to. As far as who actually does it, it's really a non-issue to me. I'm looking for someone with the forge skills to be able to execute it as I have envisioned it, with clean merges, smooth floors and walls, the usual. I don't want to say that anyone's work will be tossed aside, but of course, if I get multiple "submissions" (so to speak), I'll start work on weapons/objectives/spawns on the version I feel to be the best-forged/best suited to my needs. Once I finally come up with a finished product, though, I'll accredit the current map to whoever forged the map I'm using, but will also be sure to give due credit to everyone who at least attempted it--simply being willing to help me realize my brainchild of a map is worthy of a big thank you in my book. As for using any of it in your map, be my guest. I'd love to see what you can do with them to further the concepts I started with.
The sketchup looks very good! I'm liking it a lot! Do you want to see some of my previous works to see if I'm "qualified" to forge this? I'm impressed.
Nah mate, consider this public property, just without the permission to really change anything, heh. If you want to work on it, be my guest. Once I've got my new 'box from MSoft, I'll either contact everyone who posted here saying they'd give it a try, or download any versions that people send to me/post here, and give 'em all a look-over, then pick the one that I feel is best forged/best suited to my needs. And I hope, at that time, I don't hurt anyone's feelings if I don't continue work from their forging. Basically, TL;DR is: I'm offering this Sketch to everyone here, to test your skills (though there's nothing too complicated here, just some tedious interlocking to come up with the smooth walls/floors that I'm looking for. The upcoming ceiling should be interesting too, construction-wise). I'm not going to promise to use your map if you make one, but I will promise to appreciate your work nonetheless.
Why thank you sir, you just made my top 10 friends of all time, which just shows how little friends I have. It's gonna be dissapointing though, 9 versions of this map being posted and all.