Trouble getting inspiration for a new map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FryTheSly, Oct 27, 2009.


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  1. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    For any of you who like to listen to music a lot like i do...............
    i have your solution.

    What i do when i need a knew idea is listen to some music.
    Think about what kind of map/game the song reminds you of and if players playing the map listening to the song would be like "oh wow this song totally fits this map/game"


    Song: Psychosocial by Slipknot

    Idea: The map this song makes me think a game where there is a crazy person is trying to kill the humans (so it would be infection where the alpha zombie is the crazy person and has higher attack/speed since he is "crazy")

    Map: Now that you have your game idea think of a map... Hmm i would say a suitable setting for a crazy person running around trying to kill everyone would be a section of alley ways where the humans must run around and fend the crazy person off or be killed.

    If you even wanted to you could take this a few steps further by timing map events to happen exactly at certain parts of the song. Like during the solo you could time it so that some huge explosion happens or a horde of zombies is attacking you at the "final area".
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    We all have different ways of finding inspiration. For me, looking at building exteriors and interiors gives me the most inspiration and ideas.

    I find music has never given me any ideas for a new map (no offense).
  3. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    Lol wow i do that same thing...Ive made a map in the sky bubble were ppl free fall from the top nd they have snipers to shoot eachother while in this frree fall nd my inspiration was from the song free falling by tom petty.Its a great way to get ideas for maps Lol good **** darksoul.i would vote but i dont know how too LOl
    #3 urban destroyer, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I get my inspirations from other maps and my own little designs. I normally don't plan maps out either, because the ideas just come to me.
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Normally I get my inspiration from other people and other people's maps. Its not like you're thinking though. Those just get me thinking down a certain line and im like "OMG that would be perfect."
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Haha I'm actually making a "Laser Cannon Deth Sentance" map. The song is by Dethklok and I got the idea from the song and the episode of metalocalypse the song was in.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Whenever I need inspiration for anything, I just think of my girl. Here's a picture of her.

    She's a ****ing babe i tell you.

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