Well I joined FH over a year ago, and a few may be vaguely aware of who I am, but I doubt it. I never really got into doing much on FH, but I decided I will recently. So, here goes nothing. I'm Jon, a 16 year old Junior in Watertown (where?) New York. I am fairly smart, probably in the top 10 in my class. Play soccer and basketball on school teams, but I like playing most sports in pickup games. Like a wide array of music, but if I had to pick favorites I'd say Eminem, Modest Mouse, Bigge, Journey and Linkin Park. On Xbox, I play Call of Duty 4 more than any game, althought I enjoy Halo 3 too. I also play NCAAF/Madden and ODST, but my interest comes and goes in phases. In Halo, I love me some big team and squad battle. You can almost always find my driving a good ol' Warthog in matchmaking. As for forge, my friends like the maps I have made recently, and after some cleaning up they will be posted on FH for review by the public. Looking forward to hearing some feedback. Well, that's me in a nutshell really. Hope to start contributing more to the community soon.
I am really starting to like you. Well, the Introductions is kinda for new members. But welcome I guess. Beware, I may get infracted for this but it's in the spoiler. Spoiler Have fun, enjoy the site, and read teh rules.
Yo dawg how it goes? I hope you have lots of fun here. i don't hang here much because of haters, but you should be fine.