Libary libary is one of my newest creations. to be honest it's not that special but i like it any way. its a sword's map i cooked up on citadel and i hope you enjoy it. picture time!! the best overview i can get action shots enjoy!! : Halo 3 File Details
ok it is basicly the middle room of citadel blocked off? not to great anyone could of made this is 3 minutes you took some time to make it look a bit better that counts i guess 1/5 not too good keep trying buddy i look forward to your next try WELCOME TO FORGEHUB
If you add some cover and small bases to both sides this might actually look pretty cool. But it's not that special.
This isnt that good. You just added a couple things from the orginal Citadel. And if you just threw something together in like half an hour for a competitive map then I dont really think it would be to fun or different. 2/5 But welcome to forgehub
This really seems like a remake of the octagon, just on citadel. This is much too small and simple even for swords. You might think of blocking keeping the corridor around the center as part of the map. This would make it capable of some small games, but it needs something more to be worth a download.
I like the idea of cornering the centre off. This would be especially good for swords, hammers, and shotty's. It would be better if there was more creativity involved. Good job though attempting to create a map on Citadel.
Next time try to spend a more time on your maps. I can't say if this has done on Citidel before but many similar things have. Good luck on your next map.