I have copy/pasted this from my thread in another Forging forum. Concussion - Map Concussion was originally made as part of a map pack I was working on. I am no longer making the map pack and have decided to release this as a single map. Concussion is my entry for the Forgeoff contest and is exclusive. It has its own gametype which can be found at the bottom of this thread. Concussion is a symmetrical team based map in the Skybubble. It has a large open room in the middle with two L-shaped corridors on either side. I have created a specific gametype for the contest but the map itself is ready for any standard gametypes. It has a complete weapon, spawn and objective setup and is ready for play. This map is my first attempt at making a truly symmetrical and even tournament style map. All of my other maps have been unique and assymetrical. This shows a great deal in Concussion, the build quality and design is not as good as it could be and the map doesnt have a unique or interesting feel to it. It does offer a fun game and is relatively re-playable. Pack Hunting - Gametype This gametype has been created to go with the map Concussion for the Forgeoff Contest. It can also be used a standalone gametype too. The gametype focuses on using good communication and team work to outwit your opponent. It is a Team slayer variant and is ideally used with teams of four. Team Doubles also works. Here is a list of the changes, below I will go into detail on the gametype itself. Team Slayer/Doubles Score -25 Team Scoring - Set to lowest team-mates score Kill Points - 0 Assist Points - 2 Primary Weapon - Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon - Plasma Pistol No weapons on map 150% damage resistant 50% shield recharge rate 25% shield vampirism Infinate ammo No weapon pickup The idea of the game is to stick together and help your team aquire points. Your team total is the lowest members score and you only get points for assists. It is the job of your lowest member to use his starting pistol to get assists for the rest of the team. This will increase his score and then when he has enough the new lowest member has to assume the plasma pistol role. The game requires good communication and tactics in order to outwit the other team. Each player has a BR for headshotting unshielded enemies and a Plasma Pistol for when you are the lowest member. I have included the shield and health permutations to make the gametype more interesting. They pretty much explain themselves. Download Concussion - Here Download Pack Hunting Gametype - Here
A nice map with the attention to detail. The railings make this look like a high quality map. I especially like how the centerpiece is used to block sight lines from one corner to the next. This is so good I really do not see any room for improvement. Balance 10/10 its symmetrical and risk versus reward is good Aesthetics 10/10 clean forgeing on everything Originality 8/10 this really doesn't turn over a new stone in the realm of map making, but you executed it well. Overall 9/10 great map Note: This is an actual review not just "your map is great" (even though it is)
the only thing i would say to recommend is another level of sorts, maybe a small bridge crossing the map or another pathway, seeing that the center is the only intersection between the halves
I'm liking the look and design of the map. I think it could be very interesting for small teams, but still looks like 4v4 is comfortable. Oh and could you give me a link to this forge-off? I'm interested about your competition.
1- I think there is already a map with this name, Am I wrong? 2- Its seems awesome for 2x2. Respawn Mod would also be cool in the map. You should also make the map support OddBall gametype. Could be very funny to play it in this map.
WOW! Really good job on the forging. THis is really well done. The map should be a little bigger so its not so much close quarters, but other than that its pretty good.
I actually made this map a few months ago as part of a map pack i was working on. I gave up on the series and released this in the forgeoff contest. the contest is over now. unfortunately another level will not work in this map, it is something i tried already. thanks for the comments guys
I've seen this before... where was that? Can't recall. Oh well, anyway this is a very sexy map. I love the grass courtyard with the stone center piece. I rather like the idea of the BR/Plasma Pistol combo for this. It's suprising how often people ignore such a handy little tool. It's ten times more effective than a mauler in my opinion. You can chargeshot melee them, take down thier shields from a distance, and (not on this map obviously) can take down rampaging vehicles.