Ghost merging not working?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Z3ro Man, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    Hey, so I'm having problems with Ghost merging. I am able to press the "up" on the d-pad, while pressing "A", for both objects, I have set 1 object to re spawn never, and 1 to re spawn every 30 seconds. Once they are both movable, I then pick up the 30 sec one and wait until the 1 that re spawns never disappears. But it doesn't ever disappear.

    The strange thing was I was able to ghost merge about 30 minutes ago, and now its not working after trying several times. what am I doing wrong?
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Are you sure you're hitting the buttons correctly? What I recommend you do is dummy the objects, wait like 5 seconds, then move them. I usually do this to make sure I'm pressing the buttons at the right time, and you'll know for certain they've been dummied correctly.
  3. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    I've done it correctly, HOWEVER, when I finish dumbing them, I am unable to move 1 object with another. the only thing is, is I know ive done it correctly because I use a man cannon for each object so I KNOW if they are dummed. After they fly across the room, I pick up 1, and try to move the other and it wont work.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    It seems every time I ghost merge and wait for the one item to disappear I look away and it disappears. I don't know if its just in my head, but one time, It wouldn't disappear, and 2 minutes went bye. I then looked away and back and it was gone..

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    are you sure you have lowered the run time minimum before you try to do it.

    If it is as high as it goes the objects respawn instantly making it inpossible to ghost merge.
  6. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    I have made sure of this, trust me, Ive tried all the steps, even on other maps, and it wont work.

  7. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Just because a mancannon launched your object doesn't mean it's dummied (not dumbing) you could be off just a fraction of a second, causing the spawn point to reset after the mancannon launch, therefore, not dummied.

    Don't use a mancannon, it's that simple, just grab another block and push it away to make sure it's dummied.

    Also, check the stickied thread, im sure this question has been asked and answered in there.
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The runtime doesn't actually matter, I've ghost'ed multiple times with runtime min at the highest possible... However it does make it hard to get the right angle and be leveled.

    Anyways, all I can say is try the up+x method, works every time for me. (Sorry if you already tried that)
  9. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    1: Set two items down
    2: Set one to respawn never and one the other to respawn 30 seconds
    3: Press Up D pad and A at the same time on both objects
    4: Spawn another block and try to hit them away, if they move look at the ground and see if the tear drop is where it used to be if it doesn't move wait 5 seconds and repeat step 3 on that item.
    5. Double tap X on one of those items to see which one it is (Never or 30 seconds)
    6. Make sure you grab the 30 second one.
    7. Wait up to 3 minutes if nothing happens repeat steps 1-7
    8. If the never one disappears double tap X and change the run time minimum to the most it will go.

    Make sure you followed all of those..obviously your doing something wrong.
  10. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    i do it differently. oracle form press d-pad up and x so that your in player mode, but the item screen is up, the select the item.
    2.change it to respawn never
    3.repeat step 1
    4. repeat step 2 on the second object.
    5. in oracle mode pick up the second object and wait for the first to disappear.

    this works fine for me. in my opinion its less complicated.
  11. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    Ok, this is working, up until step 8, It disappears, but after I change the runtime to max, the other doesn't spawn and it doesn't get ghost merged.
  12. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    well try my method.
  13. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    Ok, can you explain yours more detailed? I understand you press x etc, but it seems like its missing detailed information.
  14. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    ummmm. let me see. its pretty simple

    1.Enter Oracle Mode
    2.Press d-pad up and x(either at the same time or just after; you'll prolly have to try it a few times to get it."
    3.If you did it correctly, you should be in regular player mode, but the item screen should be up.
    4.go to scenery and select the object you wish to merge (id reccoment practicing on a block or double block)
    5.the item should just fall from the sky. change the respawn rate to never.
    6.then go back to oracle mode, and repeat step 2 so your in normal mode with the item screen. the same item and let it fall from they sky.
    8.change the respawn time to never, pick it up, and change the run time minimum to 2 (if there is only the 2 you just made, otherwise make it the max possible.
    9.just hold the second block until the first dissapears, then it should appear where your holding the second one.

    you will now be able to ghost merge that item.
  15. Z3ro Man

    Z3ro Man Ancient
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    This is ridiculous. Nothing seems to work. If I dummy both objects (And test to make sure they are) and then change 1 to re spawn rate" Never", its no longer dummied and cant move.

    I am able to get as far as the 1 despawning while holding the other, but as soon as I change the run time min, to max, it doesn't spawn.
  16. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    um im not sure exactly what dummying is if it doesnt say it in the steps dont do it haha. oh and make sure youre the only one in your game.
  17. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Ghost Merging

    Hello there,
    My name is Estmid, (yes, it's a gamertag), and i am here to explain a few things that i found about this new form of forge technique known as Ghost Merging.

    History: Ghost Merging, from what i know, is rather new. I don't know the foundations of this new trick and can only imagine who created this and how.

    What is this: Ghost Merging is a new way to push objects into the maps geometry with relative ease and takes less time then the usual way of Geo-merging.

    How to do it: I beleive it is possible to do this easier by following these simple steps.
    1: First spawn 2 objects of your choosing.
    NOTE: Make sure its a solid object or the glitch won't work!
    2: Spawn a man cannon attached to both of the objects
    3: Go over to one of the solid objects and press X.
    4: Change the PLACE AT START setting to NEVER.
    5: Now here's the hard part. Fly over to the top of the solid object that is at NEVER RESPAWN and go into edit mode/Forge mode and press A and UP, (on the Digital-pad) at the same time while trying to press A a little quicker. This should allow the object to fly away from the original spawn.
    Note: This part will work when you touch the object and it flies away.
    6: Then, quickly do the same with the 30 SECOND RESPAWN object and when it flies away and lands, pick it up and hold it.
    7: When the other object de-spawns press the X button twice and change the RUN TIME MINIMUM to the same as the RUN TIME MAXIMUM. This should make the other object insta spawn.
    8: You will know that this worked when a clone of the solid object your holding takes its place. Then, you can rotate the object however you want and place it through anything. It goes through Geometry, other objects etc.

    NOTES: This is a very tempermental process, but it works and should not contain any problems if done right. Something i would note would be that when you place the object, it stays still and cannot be edited until the round is started over. And if you are looking for perfection, it would be a good idea to brace the object on the floor of the map, or a block before instant spawning the clone. Once the NEVER RESPAWN object dissappears, you have all the time in the world to get it ready, so feel free to match up the object before placing it as it will go through EVERY object and cannot be braced after the process.

    Hopefully this helped you some and if you have any questions feel free to message me as i know a few things about this process through testing it out. I love this new mode of forging and hope that everybody is able to make some startlingly great maps.

  18. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    im sure there are several threads explaining the process, i was just in one.
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Then the item your holding wasn't dummied. There are some little flaws if you don't do it perfectly right.

    Try this, it helps me more.

    1: Set one item you want to ghost merge down, Set it to Never. Dummy it and use a block to move it out of the way (MAKE SURE THE TEAR DROP IS STILL WHERE IT WAS)
    2: Wait for it to disappear
    3: Spawn the second item of the item your going to ghost merge, leave it at respawn 30 seconds. Dummy it and use a block to move it out of the way (MAKE SURE THE TEAR DROP IS STILL WHERE IT WAS)
    4: Pick up the now moved object (The 30 second one [The never one should already be gone]) and then while holding onto it double tap X and set the run time minimum to the most it will go and then wait. The item should now be ghost merge able.

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