Are there any guides on geomerging tin cups? (The Golf Flag things with Grass) In need to know a way. thanks for any help provided.
How do you want to merge it? Cause if you want just the flag sticking out, you can "tele-tap" it if your not host.
You can ghost merge tin cups just as easy as anything else.. I did some on my map in the crypt on sandbox.. and added them to the side of the walls with just the poles and flags sticking out. Just use your other controller as a guest so you can make sure your object is straight. if you need help send me a FR... gt= scapegoat9595
Anyone care to explain why so many people do this with up+A instead of up+X? up+x is way, way easier, and yet videos like that one only explain up+A.
If you want to carpet merge a tin cup, use Black Theorem's method of tear drop merging, its really easy and whilst not 100% reliable its the best method out there. YouTube - Carpet Merging (for Tin Cups)
You gotta get the thing flat upside down, then drag it against the brace shown to flip it over without ever pressing R. Then, as long as you don't release the object or press R, when you save and quit, the object will revert to the rotation it was in relative to its teardrop. And since the teardrop was flipped to be touching the floor, it will go back to the upside down rotation, but the teardrop is touching the floor and the object is flat. Just don't release the object or press R, because either of those actions will update the rotation data the game wants to save, and the save+quit will get you an object in whatever rotation it was in. Its just a neat example of teardrop merging.
Its pretty simple, you create the stucture consisting of the tall block and obelisk as shown in the film. Spawn and rotate a tin cup without using the RT trigger (this readjusts the tear drop and prevents the carpet merge) as shown in the video so you get the tin cup with the flag on top. Quickly move/shift the tin cup onto flat ground and place whevever you want it to merge, then save and quit without letting go of the tin cup. Start the game up again and it should have carpet merge in the position you left it. Sometimes it has rotated when you start a new game and is not flat on the ground, just repeat the same process until its flat.
Just in case you're still confused, here's my instructional thread: Tutorial: Carpet Merging (for Tin Cups) And if you need any more help, send me a message over Xbox Live, Gamertag's to the left, under my avatar. <-
Can you explain? I've got in to the habit of ghost merging for nearly all objects, even if I just want something floating in the air where the save&quit method would do. How does up+x work?
Instead of placing the object then using up+A and then pushing it to dummy it, you just sit in monitor mode and press up+X to get the item list visible in Spartan mode. Just select anything and it'll spawn in the air already dummied, so it will fall and its dot will stay behind. From there it's exactly the same as up+A, set respawn to never on one thing, and grab another while waiting for the first to disappear.