"Borderlands" Review

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devil95, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay lets face it, Fallout 3 was a giant success. I mean want else does any RPG need. Then came Borderlands. Borderlands is (depending on how long you play) usually 10 hours long. Something they added that Fallout 3 should of was 4-player Co-op. The game is amazing and fun with 4 players but if your by yourself then your gonna be bored out of your mind. Lets rate it shall we.

    Graphics: Most games are really,really good in the graphic's department. Gears of war, Call of duty etc. If your famliar with Team Fortress 2 its something like that. The graphic in the lands of pandora are really cheesy when you first load it up just like Team Fortress 2. The details take at least 5-8 seconds to load but then finally settle. The characters are really great compared to Team Fortress 2. Basically just like Team Fortress 2 in a way. 4.5/5

    Story: Not much really compared to Fallout 3's. Basically, you hear a story about "Pandora's Secret Vault" and want to take anything from the Vault to get really rich. You have something like Team Fortress 2 in there too. Classes. You first start in a Bus and stop at a little town. Thats when your met by a little robot called: Claptrap. He gives you a gun, a health bar and a compass. Thats where you start off. Really basic and not much plot. 3/5

    Weapons: Unlike Halo, Gear of war and Call of duty. The focus on the weapons in Borderlands was greatly focused. Unlike many games. Not really 87 bazillion guns. But close enough. You'll see thousands of guns that look the same but has different abilties and damage. Thats what makes Halo's, Cod:Waw and Gow:2 Guns look horriable. Plus Vechiles are very cool. It has almost the same controls as halo but a little screwed up. 5/5

    If you want any games you want me to review send a private message to me. As for Borderlands spending at least 3 days of my life. Its easily a buy. I give it a 9.1/10. Thanks to its awesome 4-coop RPG, Easy Controls, Long Story, Lots of missions, Thousands of guns and its outstanding ranks. Thanks for listening. As for me I'm gonna go play Borderlands.
    #1 Devil95, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm confused, you contradict yourself here... First you say it takes about 10 hours, then at the end you say it has a long story. Which is it? Anyways, the game is supposed to boast a large quantity of side quests seeing as over 2/3s of them are side quests... So if you just did main quests 10 hrs is the range I think but doing all of them should take a great deal longer... IMO
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I heard from multiple reviews that an entire play through is around 60 hours. I personally think that's enough for me. In your reviews though, you should include more general categories. Weapons aren't exactly a rating category, my best guess is that you just mentioned it because that's what Borderlands exceeds in. You should have things like gameplay, graphics, replayability, sound, plot, etc... I mean, you already got two of those, but I'm just heading out on a limb here and saying weapons shouldn't be a category.
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Tell me a little more about player traits and leveling up and such. In what ways can i build my character or choose what skills I can increase?
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah i, not sure how you beat it in 10 hours. my play time for my main character is over a day, and im not even halfway through. but i guess i have been doing most of the side quests and exploring.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Yeah...not the greatest review, sorry. I have no idea what you mean in half of it, and the other half seemed kind of self-explanitory. I hate to pick apart posts, but if you want to review, especially on a game, you'll need to improve your writing skills.

    "I mean want else does any RPG need." Really? And continuing form there, most sentences are weak in structure or not even a sentence to begin with. At the very least, bring it over a spell check first. Get rid of "gonna", look through "your" and change them to the grammatically correct "you're". Get the pronunciation on your sentences. Also, from what I've heard it's longer than 10 hours, but I'm not going to really comment on that, as I haven't finished it myself.

    Most games are really good in graphics? Really? I beg to differ (if you've played any of the majority of games that have god-awful graphics with a storyline that matches). Also, you make numerous references to TF2, when this is a multiplayer-only objective game. I could see the graphics reference to some degree, though I'd like to hear more detail about the art direction. Talk about the cell shading style, talk about the feel you get from the half cartoony, half realistic settings and art styles. Also, uhm...Team Fortress doesn't really have characters. It's a multiplayer-only game. They add some humorous personalities to each, but that is nowhere near the development of a character I expect to see throughout a game, especially an RPG. Use good examples when making a point.

    That sounds totally different than Fallout 3. I've played both, and it IS much different. Usage of a vault means nothing towards storyline. I think if you want to do game reviews, you'll need more game experience, with more to call upon. You can't just use Fallout and Team Fortress as all of your references. Also, not everyone has played Fallout 3. Explain how the game begins, and what feelings the scenes give you (not Fallout 3, Borderlands), but most of all explain past "you want to get really rich by finding a vault". It's a fairly shallow plot, to be fair, but it's more than that. Classes, as mentioned before, are not only in Team Fortress, though in this case I feel it's a decent reference, as TF does a great job with the class-based system. You also explain no plot or storyline in the paragraph and why it warrants your rating, though I don't disagree that it's not a deep storyline. But does it need it? Why? Where could it be improved? We want more thought out ideas, like that, to help us make a decision on the game.

    Here I got even more confused. I have NO idea what you're talking about, and again it seems like you're using the same games in the popular shooter genre to make a point. I'm not seeing how "guns that are similar with different stats" are any better than the varied guns you'll get in other games. To continue using your popular games (which isn't necessarily bad per say, but you can't let it talk about something that's not relevant in the given situation), how about Mass Effect's array of weapons and customization? How about Far Cry's buying weapon system? How is it any better than Dead Rising's use of ANYTHING as a weapon? Or why is Gears, Halo, and Call of Duty's systems bad? I actually prefer when the weapons look and act different, it makes the game more interesting. And once you say "the same controls as Halo but screwed up"...uhmmmm...explain.

    Again, use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Too many sentences are here, but my main concern is that this seems to totally be the opposite of what you just said. "Easy controls" - thought you said they were "screwed up"?
    "Long story" - 10 hours? Long?
    "Outstanding ranks" - there's only four, in the class system. Not much in that area...

    Now, what I'm trying to say isn't mean (or at least I'm not trying to be...). I think you could have some potential skills, but you'll need to improve on what you're trying to say and explain. Use examples that are relevant, and explain everything in detail. Hope to see something from you again soon! :)

    You should mention Roche more in your reviews, that might give them some more credibility since he is such an awesome guy.
    #6 Insane54, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2009
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Wait did I type 10 hours. Oh crap. I meant 40 hours. crap. my bro takes over my cpu when I go to get something to eat.

    "Easy controls" - thought you said they were "screwed up"? - Insane54
    I Said Vechile Controls. Duh

    "You can't just use Fallout and Team Fortress as all of your references." - Insane54
    I well fallout 3 in my opinion is the best RPG (Besides borderlands) and It has the same graphics as TF2. So just stop complaining. I pretty much explained alot. I've never played Mass Effect. Far Cry 2 I never gone into its campaign. No Classes and Ranks are different in this game. Ranks are like here on forgehub. Classes are like abilities.

    "guns that are similar with different stats" - Insane54
    Hello, all the guns almost look the same. only difference is Colour.

    "Or why is Gears, Halo, and Call of Duty's systems bad?" - Insane54
    Okay, now I know why people call you Insane. I talking about weapons.

    Finally, "Also, from what I've heard it's longer than 10 hours" - Insane54
    Depending on how your play. If you rush through then its about 10 hours. If you look for everything then its more.
    #7 Devil95, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ah, of course. Vechile controls. You know, that's nothing close to 'controls'. Not like Borderlands didn't rethink the way FPS controls work. Oh wait...it didn't.


  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    COD controls ftw lol

    ill have a review up of borderlands up too guy
    have a look at some older ones of mine on my site
    it might help your writing
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Do not compare the graphics to Team foretress 2, its not similar... It is much closer to that of the new prince of persia game.

    Also, you really should answer insane's question... Why are gears, halo and call of duty's systems bad? All you said is "I talking about weapons" WTF does that mean? Just because borderlands has the most guns seen in a game to date doesn't mean that they automatically are better than every other weapon conceived in other games.

    Yes, I do like the game, no I don't think it should be compared to any of the games you compared it to in retrospect, it should be compared to diablo, madmax, and world of warcraft... Those are the games they wanted to emulate and they did a great job doing so.

    Senior Member

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    i think he was saying he played it for 10 hours before deciding it was good?
  13. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    10 hours wtf? I'm at maybe 15-20 and i'm like level 32.

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