You lost me there, ask anyone with a pre-order for it on the PC...oh wait, no such person exists anymore. Infinity Ward have made some terrible moves so close to the release. IF this level is real, which it probably is (what with like 10+ minutes of leaked footage of the level), there is absolutely no reason for them to add such a brutal level. If it had just been a short video clip, or displayed a file on it, it would have been just fine, but forcing the player to witness it for so long is just brutal. Although the player isn't forced to participate (the NPC's do most of the killing), it still leaves the player watching something they most definitely do not want to see for the entire duration of the level. Don't even get me started on the lack of dedicated servers, one of two things PC games had over console games, with the other being the keyboard and mouse.
Wait, does that mean that MW2 is the first game that allows you to kill innocent people? If the media actually goes on about this, they seem to forget that in gaming history we've Kamikaze'd Battleships, Nuked cities, had riots in Airports with a Flamethrower, crushed people under the threads of our tanks, kidnapped girls and I'm sure it only gets worse from that. Killing Civilians in an airport is not the worse thing that entertainment has ever come up with. Even if we count the time we're in. Maybe if they put a disclaimer at the very start of the game like in Dr. Strangelove where it says that what occurs will never happen due to whatever. And if they do, am I the only one who finds it sad that such a disclaimer has to be put to calm down people? Yes, they should. Grieving gets you no where. Grieve for a bit then move on. Not for 8 years. And yet, we've seen this kind of scene in cinematic history for a really long time. We've had protaginists who execute innocents for quite a while. This is nothing new. And personaly, I think it's an extremely effective way of getting you straight into the game, hating the enemy and wanting to kill them as the USMC or S.A.S. I'm torn on deciding if this is more effective then killing the president on international T.V. Doubtful that it's fake. The teaser trailer alludes to this happening ever since the begining. And this isn't the most violent thing possible for terrorists to do. At least they shoot them dead instead of one of the many ways soldiers have killed the innocents of other countries. Are we not allowed to imagine the destruction of an American city? Again, we've got dozens of imaginations of the destruction of an America city. This post is going on too long...
IW is not screwed. If the game had been cancelled in a country we would have heard by now, and it has got through the ratings as 'M' or '18'. Whether it will be the target of some media attention we will see in the next few days/weeks. If IW are questioned why they put it in, they'll dismiss it as 'something to get you immersed' or some other quote like that. If they do get media attention, it will probably play out to their game plan, as their game will get broadcast all over. It may not be positive, but the only people who will buy this game are gamers. Gamers wont be affected by the news, they'll just get reminded to go and pick this game up.
There's a possibility that you are an undercover operative, and taking part in the massacre is what stops you from blowing your cover. It's a moral action; kill these to save more. If this is correct, then that's a hell of a good plot twist, and it incorporates some of the problems that these people would face in real life.
Yes but matchmaking with 10 million players is fine. Matchmaking with <1 million = frowns. Also, dedicated servers with any amount = victory. All i said is that those were the only 2 things that PC gamers have over Xbox gamers (and modding i guess). I didn't mention what the xbox has over the PC. i.e. 10x as many people, less cheaters, consistency in hardware.
yeap. SPOILER Spoiler At the end of the mission makarov shoots you, and gets away in an ambulance with 1/2 others.
According to a recent update, the footage is indeed real. Infinity Ward Confirms, Responds To Controversial Modern Warfare 2 Footage - News -
Can anyone explain what happened in the videos since it wont let me watch them. It says they are private or have been removed. And just by what ive read it sounds as though you have to kill civilians in the game. But i dont think thats the case. Maybe its like the "Takedown" mission where you can kill citizens just to make the game that more real, where if you miss and hit a civilian they actually die instead of just running around screaming.
No, in the mission, you are the Terrorists. Your objective is to terrorise by killing civilians. I would've thought this is obvious if you read the thread.
Well, how long ago was world war 2? As put by Michael from The Office "Some jokes can't be told yet. Like, you can't make fun of the Holocaust". It's because people who were affected by this tradgedy are still living today.
As IW stated, "Modern Warfare 2 is a fantasy action game designed for intense, realistic game play that mirrors real life conflicts, much like epic, action movies. It is appropriately rated 18 for violent scenes, which means it is intended for those who are 18 and older.” If any of you are genuinely concerned about violence and human rights, then I suggest you direct your energy towards campaigning and outreach groups such as Amnesty International, rather than the media - which is an extension of and comment on the very same real-world events you should be railing against. If anything I would view these scenes of the game as a wake-up call to anyone living within a community founded on mutual respect. Do something.
I completely agree. The media should stop making a big deal out of events in a game that are far beyond the average gamer's ability. Like busting into an airport and murdering everybody. Besides, most airports have special police (like SWAT units) on call most of the time, whether within the airport, or within a few minutes. Still, it's not like bad rep from the media will stop us from getting MW2.
Another better quality working vid - Destructoid - Modern Warfare 2 level about (SPOILER) confirmed Now I've watched it, it's pretty hard to stomach, gunning down screaming sobbing families, but I guess it implements a moral viewpoint. It shows why it's so important for the good guys to do what they do, and that they stop this. I'm still getting the game. But **** it if I realise that at any point I'll be shooting kids in front of their parents.
I would also like to point this out@ So while some people can cause an outcry at this part of the game at least it's optional, with warnings. I fail to see how it will 'screw Infinity Ward'. If you dislike it then skip it. I have yet to decide if I will but either way it won't effect whether I buy the game or not. So that makes it fine for you to make joke? No it does not. In fact there are somethings that you should never make jokes about in public. If you want to make those jokes keep them to people you know who will not be offended. Your ignorance is outstanding. You not only fail to grasp just what has happened (judging by your response and the lack of knowledge shown in it) but also because you think that the only people affected by it could be someone who 'lived' in a concentration/extermination camp. Next time think before you post. And even when all those who've been affected by such a tradegy does not mean anyone should now find a reason to make jokes.