Well, this is the first race map I've ever seen on Heretic. It was pretty difficult to think of something good for one here, but hopefully I've done well. Download Map Download Gametype Download Map Download Gametype Thanks Everyone.[/center]
Looks good, I love the idea of the mancannon ramp. Is there a sheild door bounce in there too? Good job overall anyway, It's not easy to forge on a map like heretic.
whoahhh race map on midship wait heretic nice very well made considering there is no immovable objects =] really a good map i knew somebody would make one but this looks like it will trump the rest 5/5 fo sho
At the first part when you get on the mongoose, do you drive off the tops of the mancannons? If so, that's the most epic thing I've seen in a racetrack in quite a bit.
Wait I'm confused with the ending, when you go off the man-cannon at the end of the track where do you fly, or is it controlled? I don't want to fly over to the right side of the map when I finish the course. Everything else looks good, I like the shield door bounce, though I don't know the path to the track, and the man-cannon ramp at the start looks sweet.
Well, I can sure tell you one thing, that this hasn't been done yet, thats for sure. Nice job overall, I have yet to find out how it feels racing among Heretic, but I assume that it's closely familiar to Guardian. Ah, what the heck, could even be better than Guardian. - 10/10 for originality and cleverness The man cannons look unquestionably fun!
At the end, the man cannon brings you right back to the starting spot where the mongooses are, it never brings you over it.
OMG that is almost excactly the same as my map (never posted it though) but anyways... this is very clean and looks good to race on, nice work Edit: I looked at it a little closer and it actually looks a bit different to mine, it is great I especially love the mancannon bridge
Alright, from start to finish this map is actually quite interesting, in a good way no worries. Like you have said, it is more about single racing, just playing it for fun. Heretic is a very hard map to do a racetrack for passing, so it is understandable for sure. Anyways, the man Cannon bridge is epic, and the shield door bounce works unbelievably well. I would like to see more maps made like on maps like these, and things, they may not be competitive race, but they are fun. You have done a great job.
To be honest, I dislike this track. First, you can't go full speed at all times, which is what race tracks are all about. Second, it's easily cheatable, i.e not taking the mancannon bridge and just dropping down. Third, you can easily cheat by going through the destination on foot. And last, that shield door bounce doesn't work unless having a decent amount of speed, which is unexpected and unlikely for this type of track.