I just logged into Halo and it says I there is an update, unless it is for Live in general? Anyone else have this?
click here to find out Xbox 360 System update now available (no new features) A few minutes ago, the team released a system update for the Xbox 360 over Xbox LIVE. Sometime over the next few hours when you sign in to Xbox LIVE you’ll recieve a prompt to accept this mandatory update. This update contains code to ‘prepare for future growth of the service.’ There are no other changes or enhancements in this update…in other words no new features. The next obvious question you’ll have is about the Spring update. At this point we have nothing to announce, and the moment there is information to share I will do so.
yep i got it, and after it was done, there was another one, but i didin't need to give consent to that one. it just followed the first. Both were pretty quick. Less than 20 seconds each.
Now i just got a message from Xbox Apparently they will be offline for 8 hours on monday. I didn't really care that much, since i wont be playing on mondays, but this is actually a pretty long time. Big Updates coming our way? (maybe the one penguinish said...)