Blur the BG, needs depth, desperately. The lighting is a bit off, seeing the light opposite of the face of the figure. Overall, pretty good.
^ definitely do what ROFLninja suggested... The BG is way too grainy and pixely looking. I would also try making something more interesting about the right side, for balance reasons... The human mind is attracted to balance in images(whether it be symmetrical or not). The left is way to heavy compared to the right, maybe some text?
yea i havent found anything that i rly like to put into the right side yet. im still playing with stuff and experimenting with text
yea i had that before but i forgot to save it in. im fixing some stuff right now and will have it up in like ten min EDIT: ok here it is with stuff changed(sorry it took me longer i was having some techincal difficulties) : CnC