If this is real, Infinity Ward is screwed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SaucyCardog, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. SaucyCardog

    SaucyCardog Ancient
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    *warning! Huge spoilers*

    Infinity ward is going to have lots of people up their ***.
    #1 SaucyCardog, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  2. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    There's a ton of vids there, which one are you reffering to?
    And why the silly text box?
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It's a mature rated game, meant for 17 and up only. Have you never seen anything like that in an R-rated movie (if you've been to any)? You see that kind of thing all the time in PG-13. Of course it'll be overplayed because it's a game, though, and as new technology it doesn't warrant the scrutiny of being the same as a movie (according to popular beliefs today).
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Uh, in Prototype you kill civilians all you want throughout the whole game. In fact, you get health from it. Not a big deal.
  5. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    The media will have the biggest heyday over anyone about this. Anyone who's played GTA4 has gone on top of building and sniped at civilians. Yes people have gotten convinced GTA is real life, but I have faith that no one is stupid enough to open fire on a **** load of civilians in an airport, especially not with military grade weapons/attachments. Goodness, I have faith. We all should've expected something close to this, seeing as it's made by IW, and IW hates cutscenes with a passion. The execution scene in CoD4 was as far as they would go. We all should have known, since we've been seeing out of body snippets of this forever in trailers and teasers. I'm not planning on having to much of a moral issue, but I definitely won't make it appoint to try and kill everyone. IW could have made it so you could kill your terrorist "buddies" for a secret achievement. Something like the achievement in Shadow Complex where you ditch Claire and drive off.
    #5 Bomb Champion, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  6. SaucyCardog

    SaucyCardog Ancient
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    I am saying that people would get angry over it because of 9/11. Actually, MW2 already got some complaints over the destroyed Washington D.C in the new trailer.

    *Camel: I thought it would look more neat.
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    9/11 was 8 years ago. People need to start getting over it. I'm not saying it wasn't a horrible tragedy, but so was any war, and that's no tender subject as there are countless games based on war. Time to move on.
  8. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Well, besides the destroyed DC in the trailer, I don't see how this could be a big problem. Like Insane said, M games such as GTA have done similar things with realiistic gangs, that can be controvercial as well. As a rated M gama I doubt MW2 will get much hassel about the killing of civilians. After all, hasn't GTA been modeled after real life gangs before, quietly.
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Kayne and Lynch you kill civillians and plenty of other games.
  10. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Have you ever heard of Fallout 3??!?!?
  11. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Just don't say stuff like that, it makes you look like a jackass.

    Anyways yeah this will probably will cause a big problem if it's real, and just seems a little unescessary.
    #11 Kilr0n, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  12. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    He has a point. 911 was 8 years ago, and that's been the only terror attack on US soil since. In 2005, they threatened an attack on St. Louis, my home. Guess who's still here and thriving? Also, this shouldn't relate to 911 what-so-ever. This takes place in Russia (or Kazakhstan? That's where the snow mission takes place). The two events should not be related, especially since one is in a video game and the other hardly anyone cares about anymore. It shouldn't be an issue, but the media probably will make it one. Kane & Lynch probably was ignored with all of the other games (besides GTA) because it wasn't as big as a release as this will be. I'll actually be surprised if I hear nothing about it on the news.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I couldn't have said it any better myself. It's a video game. There are many others that also fit into what this game is doing, most notably Fallout 3, GTA 4, Prototype, etc. Of course, everyone targets the one that looks the best, in my opinion, and criticizes it for being too real and that it introduces Terrorism again.

    Have you seen that these days, those games are the best sellers? Games that take place in a real city, in this time frame, and have some sort of consequence to the surrounding area.

    Honestly, everyone should just forget. Like I stated before, IT'S A GAME.
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    So if people lost entire families during 9/11, they should just get over it?

    anyway, its not the fact that you are killing citizens. Its probably the way its done. It is very much like modern day, like DC being blown up (in fallout, you didn't actually see it happen, which means the media will be bitches and take this way to literally unfortunately like they did with mass effect.
  15. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    GTA says hi
    Fallout 3 says hi
    M rated says hi

    Australia possibly says bye
    #15 LOCK.xcf, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  16. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Yeah. If you are still grieving the death of your family after eight years, you need to see a shrink.
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    The problem is that TBH it is a touchy subject. It's like having a game about Israel's Yom Kippur War, which would first off be a fantastic game if done properly, but would shine either the neighboring Arab countries or Israel in a bad light, depending on the direction of the game. I think that's where this comes into play, in offending people. I still don't think it's appropriate though to make jokes or tell people to "just get over" 9/11. It's like (to a far lesser degree, but still) saying "Get over the Holocaust, it happened 65 years ago, geez!"

    Now that I think about it, the less and less I think this is real. MW2 has too much to loose, and if they did it I'm highly doubtful they were like "Hey, let's be as violent as possible!". Infinity Ward is one of the best producing companies out there, they're very smart about all this. Second, everyone needs to stop taking theories that keep popping up and taking them like they're 100% true. For example: "Xbox raising XBL prices". Extremely doubtful, if you'd bother to look into it.
  18. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    It's not like FOX news has any effect on making us not buy MW2.

    Screw the media, **** FOX news, and God bless America.
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I can see it now...

    "Terrorist training game"
    "Encourages children to commit terrorism"

    If it indeed does put you in the role of a terrorist killing innocents, the media is going to go apeshit.

    As for those saying that games like GTA where you can kill civilians are the same thing, no they're not. In GTA your objective is never the murder of innocents, in Prototype its not "realistic" which reduces public outrage. The realism factor, and the fact that terrorism is still very much on the mind of Americans, are going to drive this beyond the outrage over other games we've seen so far. That is, if this rumor is true.
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Haha yeah. They would do that wouldn't they.

    On topic: No problem, if it gets media atention because of this, who cares? It's not going to stop me from playing.

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