Lobster Trap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Sea Quest on Lobster Trap.

    Sea Quest is a Conquest style gametype for my underwater conquest map Lobster Trap.

    Note: The map will work on normal conquest, my variant changes starting weapons to plamsa pistols, shorter capture time, and changes the armor colors to brighter colors, pink and orange.

    The map is also compatible with Moshpit and MultiFlag.

    YouTube - Lobster Trap video

    It is a bit dark in this video, but is actually much clearer in gameplay. I used laser/light/plasma weapons to add very colorful closequarters gameplay without the annoying 4 shot/strafe-fest.

    You may also notice in the video, that pallets and dinghys that sink to the bottom will resurface if you melee them. This makes for great cover when under intense enemy fire.
    #1 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    No. Not conquest. Not really.
    I looked at a couple minutes of the video, and I see a few problems right off the bat.

    1) You have a mini-armory at the spawn, that's not good.
    2) You have TWO paths from the start, complete with shield doors. Conquest has one linear path.
    3) The map itself is sloppy.

    Aaaaand It's cool that its underwater and all, but even with regenerators, power drains, etc, it is still hard to see.
  3. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Close enough for Jazz.

    I'd hardly call it two paths. It's one narrow corridor occassionly seperated by a thin wall.
    Wasn't going for map of the year, just something different. Love it, hate it, I could care less. Aside from that, forging underwater is no easy task. If you move the slightest bit in monitor mode, you will rise to the surface.

    Not really. You can see your enemy on the otherside of the map.
    #3 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Missile pod + shield doors = bad.
    Also, you could easily camp in the top of the containers on the pallets & dingys and assassinate people repeatedly.
    It's a really good Idea, but I strongly advise re-working the layout, weapons, spawns, and territories, try to go for gameplay, being a conquest map.
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Explain? Well let's just say everyone at forge hub despises armories. Try to spread out your weapons if you can get them underwater. Same with the equipment. The concept is unique, but aesthetics aren't as important as gameplay. There are way too many power weapons.
    A video is thousands of pictures. But at least embed your video.

    Conquest?... not really. Just saying. This doesn't have the same feel as a conquest map. The floating cover is nice, but still doesn't provide that much cover.
  6. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    I place weapons that were colorful down. The power weapons are also limited by long respawn times. I used the missile pod because it's like a torpedo launcher. I also placed the armory at the beginning because of the fact it is hard to see and because it is so confined gameplay is hectic, like I intended. It is a small map which was designed for crazy battles. Not the typical 4 shot firing squad. The pallets and dinghys were also made for assinations, just beware of them. If they are on the surface there is likely someone up there.

    Sorry, embedding videos is different over at Forge-Union, I'm not sure how to do it here.

    It is more of a concept really. I intend to do more with the idea later, but I think I did alright with the pieces I had available. And again, forging underwater is... frustrating.
    #6 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Nice concept, and the armory and equipment cluster is understandable, but it also means that this cant really be considered conquest. I gave some thought to making a map like this where an entrance to one of the bases goes from the top dock, underwater, and then to the bottom dock, but I hate forging on longshore.

    Anyway, It looks like it could be pretty good for territories, but like I said, not quite a conquest map. But that's not to say that a little editing couldn't make it into one.
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Id have too agree and i know its no easy task to forge underwater, but in personal opinion you may want to do something like this. _/---\_ the _ parts are underwater than have ramps / that allow you to come up to oh say knee high then just drop back down underwater. It would improve gameplay that way your not always just fighting underwater and you can see at some parts of the map, but leaving the water knee high makes it so you could crouch by someone cause your under the water lol.

    BTW i love how equipment floats like the power drain haha epic
  10. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    I am probably going to make a better version later. Longshore is unfortunately pretty limited piece wise. It's sad that citadel has more to work with.

    Oh and Ac3Snip3r thanks for the embedding info.

    That is also partially why I made the armory set up. Placing weapons under water is unpredictable. They float, they sink, and they are hard to see at times.

    I liked using the colorful weapons because they are also easier to strafe than bullet based weapons.
    #10 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  11. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Honestly this is rediculas, I mean why didn't you put water so its half covering you, the whole video is almost pitch black, the only thing i saw was two divided shield doors which means two seperate paths which doesn't show Conquest spirit. No flares,drains,tripmines,bubbles,regens, or turrets in Conquest. The theme could work, but not how its set up now. Sorry to tell you bro, but its not a conquest game the way it is.

    I understand that its more of a concept, but you could have at least made it more true to the game instead of just what you wanted.
    #11 Given To Fly, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Speak for yourself man, a lot of conquest maps start out with both opposing teams in an armory, then they walk out and proceed into battle. Why would you camp at the spawn? You would lose every single time.
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    do the weapon holders work underwater? if so that would answer your problems for floating crap.
  14. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Geez, so many angry replies. If you can do better, do it. Don't bother me with your conquest standards. They're more like guidelines anyway.

    What I mean is, this is a Conquest-style map. I built it the way I wanted it too and it plays the way I want it too. I do not care about what you think makes a conquest map.
    #14 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  15. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Can you even form a post properly when basing it off the video? Of course it's not a conquest game - that's why it requires a gametype based of it, Officer Dickweed. Maybe you should look at the links before you jump to conclusions.

    As far as I am aware, this is a charitable map, in which was formed for only recreational activities, like that of Customs. Conquest has no real qualifications or requirements, anybody can make any map, however they want. Certification is not and never will be required so please take two steps back and **** your own face. The fully submerged map really adds to abysmal feel in my opinion. The point was to make it dark as far as I'm aware. It was an attempt to prevent long-range accuracy. All you can see in the distance is lights, which really adds to the gameplay. Even when you're looking straight down the map and you go off blind-firing, it's almost certain you'll miss. It adds not only a mysterious theme to it but almost a non-VISR ODST kind of feel, which I tend to enjoy.

    As for the actual gameplay, the flare is to brighten up so you can see further distances. The other equipment pieces can also be used for light and also prevent camping in many instances, as weird as that sounds. I'll prove it in a scenario; a team is capturing your second territory, you grab a bubble in an effort, to create some kind of attrition tactic by going in and out of the bubble to parry and damage the enemy. The enemy team can do this on their side as well - for everything is multiplied by two and equally distributed. One thing that the equipment pieces do is establish an off-set or sister version of the gametype, which was what he was trying to do.

    You're so ****ing close-minded, aren't you? I understand your ignorance but your lack of imagination and conceptual innovation is quite the spectacle. Sorry to tell you bro, but it is the conquest game it is.

  16. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    i think you got something good going on here but i think you should create a V.2 of this map,adding all the requirements that makes a map conquest qualified.First,get rid of the loads of weapons and equipment from the start of the map.The only weapons that are really allowed in conquest are snipers,brute shots,plasma rifles,spikers,smgs,plasma pistols,magnums,battle rifles and gernades.Also,make your make one path with and have each team an equal amount of time to get to the middle terrritory.Get rid of the shield doors.i also recommend reading Gunner Grunts Conquest guide as well as Prediceds(might of spelt his name wrong).Other than that,your map looks real cool and original,just try to tweak it up a bit...love that its underwater too Lol.
  17. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    I like how everyone's chatting **** about this not being a Conquest map, when it clearly uses it's own Custom Gametype, meaning it isn't straight-up regular Conquest.
    As Nosirrom has said, this is his map and gametype, and he's made it how he wanted it.

    We've already established that this isn't Conquest as everyone knows it, and why should that matter?
    The gameplay is fun, and that's what I'm personally looking for when playing a game.
  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    settle the **** down man, there actually ARE rules to conquest if you didnt know, dickface. its called the Book of Conquest, geez you shouldnt be so ignorant. you sound so closed and sure of yourself, but you are wrong my incredulous dumbass

    instead of having the conquest prefix, you probably shouldve gone and researched it a bit before saying that it was conquest. its like saying i have a assault rifle and shotgun slayer variant and naming it MLG.

    the map is nice, but very sloppy at the same time, please make a v2 that is cleaned up a bit, thank you
  19. IISharpFoxII

    IISharpFoxII Ancient
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    The idea of a submerge map is very cool, and the boat getting you out of the water is crazy. You get the originality point. But for the map itself, it's not really for conquest.

    Keep forging with idea like that!
  20. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    That's a very closeminded approach, again like I said, that book of Conquest is more like guidelines. The map follows the same premise as conquest, which makes it a Conquest-style map, hence the prefix. If you want to get technical about it, Conquest is a far older concept than the Halo 3 version of it. You guys just give it standards, which is great, but I work outside the box.

    Sea Quest is Conquest underwater, it works for this map, because normal conquest would suck on this map.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to be an ass about it, I'm well aware of how to make a conquest map, I'm not exactly new to forging, or conquest for that matter. This is intended to be different. I was hoping the originality of the idea would inspire others to forge underwater and use the pallets and dinghys in some interesting ways. This was mine.

    I shrug it off because I did not intend for this to be map of the year. Just a fun competetive game for customs.

    Thank you.
    #20 Nosirrom Mij, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009

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