Foundry Ignite

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Fritzster, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Okay in defense of this map. Have you even ran a custom on this map yet? I did with my team and some other circuit guys and the center structure was like the basis of attack and changed the gameplay so much that it was better than anything. Sure it changes/ blocks the lines of sight but being on the sloped sides of the block allow for that peak and shoot, maybe its because its a new way of thinking out the aspects of MLG that you don't like, but most maps are used in mlg for A. good lines of sight which this does have B. new jumps that affect gameplay which this isn't your gay ass he has the high ground im screwed map. Being on top of mid can help but you can also get ass raped. That is what MLG looks for.

    Maps like Onslaught where controlling the middle section makes it so you lock down the map sucks, and MLG knows this that is why they are so picky on maps. Ons was a good idea at the time but it's already been pressed to be either A. gotten rid of or B. changed in design and spawning. Maps that are too easily controlled and can't fluently change are like Lockout for halo 2 (although i love that map) you can and could control where the opposing team spawned and essentially spawn rape them the whole game. This map really elimenates that which is the number 1 reason why i love it.
    #21 CaptnSTFU, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  2. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    Lol, its my opinion don't try to change it. I know everything about mlg, I play it all day and i'm a 50 in mlg so I'm pretty sure I know what i'm talking about. Once again, all the middle does is block lines of sight, you can't use it to your advantage.

    Everything has its ups and downs.. Take Amplified and onslaught for example, top middle you can actually use for cover, see more, and getting a height advantage on your opponents. But getting ontop will probably get you naded more easily & expose your position. And for bottom middle you have more cover, sneak around and stuff.
    Now ignite.. the middle peice sucks because you can't do anything with it.. On bottom middle you don't even have enough cover and its just pointless.

    Another thing, you should shut up now because this is my opinion and theres probably nothing you can do to change it.
  3. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    This map is truly incredible, i love the middle piece, ive never seen a cube on map before, but it looks great, i sure do want to get some games on this map, anyways great map.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Im not trying to change your opinion im just defending the map. In my experience on it the cube was used to an advantage. And um not to be a douche but your halo 3 mlg level really does not mean ****. Now if your a guy who goes to circut every year i understand but please for the love of goodness don't brag about your rank on halo 3, everyone knows that its mostly compiled of scrubs who don't even know what 4 shot is.
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Have you played Ignite yet? The middle of the map actually allows a team to control the map, an issue Amplified had, in my opinion. Unless you're on a pro team that can spawn kill the entire game and utilize top mid on Amp, top mid seemed like a weak point that you would immediately die at. Play the map with good teams and you will notice how useful Cube really is. It's really obvious you haven't played this map yet.
  6. iTaliiAN iCE

    iTaliiAN iCE Ancient
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    this map is horrible, all it is, is jumps, while jumping u die and asthetically well ill give u that but i hated gameplay, oh and the middle is orgasmic.......
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Have you noticed how many ramps there are?
  8. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    We have ramp access to just about everywhere. However, a player that learns the extra jumps will gain an edge over his opponents.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    definately. When I looked around the map, I actually thought it would be a good idea to take away the ramp from bottom mid to purple 2. You may want to consider it. I don't know what it would do but it just seems like a good idea.

    and is there a reson for the single boxes in front of the base because there is a base jump up by slide jumping up the angled double boxes.
  10. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Removing that bridge might remove some of the "clutter" in those areas I agree. One big reason it's there is to block some LoS for the P1 spawns, but maybe we can try something else. The single boxes were added to block the LoS for under base spawns and for the easy jump up through center. However, just like the bridge, we might be able to work with something else in that area.
  11. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    So I only played a few games on this with you, Fritz. And to be honest, I really enjoyed it. However, the middle ****ed over the player flow. I mean, really. It did. I thought the rest of the map complemented itself quite nicely among it's structures. But when trying to make a transition between them, it was inconvenient if you had to do so through top/bottom middle. And another thing...there are plenty of ramps on Ignite, people. Use your brain.

    The verdict is: Conceptually, I believe Iginte is a masterpiece. Although, my senses will remain committed to the opinion about the center design. Maybe I'm being bold, but perhaps a hybrid of your centerpiece and Insane54's Requiem's would be an efficient idea? It's just a faint thought...

    Cheers ;)
    #31 Solo, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Yeah, played this with a bunch of friends, and had exactly the same thoughts. I was going to type it all myself, but he saved me the work so I will try to be redundant any more than I must to get this comment emphasized.
  13. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    Are there any SWAT players out there? I'm creating a swat variant that plays Team SWAT, Team Magnums and Shwatguns for this map. I'll update it soon.
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    I love the map, plays well and it's greatly forged, but the middle....... I despise it. It is hard for me to play around cause it's just so random and odd. The only really good thing about it is the jump up.

    Great map but I believe it would have been much much better playing wise if you'd have left the middle as is in the sketch up or amp.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I liked the SWAT games we played better than I expected to, despite the lag. The middle really caused some spawn betrayals though. The fact that the only cross map LOS there is a couple small slits led to teammates bumping each other to look through them, and betrayals happened because of it.

    Now, in high level play that would be a laughable complaint, I understand that, but submitting this for Atlas means you're specifically not getting high level play.
  16. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I have to say, the maps is incredible, but have a few issues:

    1. The middle. Really, just make it similar to Amplified.

    2. Top Yellow. Too much cover, Make the cover smaller.

    3. Top Pink. Same as yellow.

    If you make these changes I'm pretty sure this map could be in the 2010 MLG season.
  17. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    omg the bases resemble my MLG Crescent map!!!! wtf!!!!! did you steal this!?!?!?!?!?!
    omg im so pissed right now
  18. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I really hope you are kidding. If not...


    Fritz really does not need to steal from other people..
  19. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    don't believe me? go to my map thread of MLG Crescent. I swear to god the bases look the same, theres just a few things rearranged on his. trust me im not the kind of asshole who tries to claim ideas just for the hell of it. that's why me and my girlfriend were like wtf when we saw the thread.
  20. Higibo

    Higibo Ancient
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    simply awestruck

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