Okay I understand that turrets are unlimited ammo and they make you open for easy sticks and snipes from the other team, but would you like to see broken turrets allowed in MLG? As in the map is built so it drop spawns a turret from a killball? Or something along those lines? Thoughts?
Get the turret, rip it off. Or you could put this broken turret somewhere totally less defenceless then the current turret positions, and let there be no risk for such a reward.
I wouldn't really like it. Even if it had limited ammo, it's still a very powerful weapon that can kill in all 3 ranges (harder for long range though). It probably would not totally kill gameplay, but I like to stick with BR's and other weapons of the sort.
Turret in MLG = no. The same logic applies as to the SMG or AR, except worse because the turret has a longer effective range and a much larger clip. It's a skilless spray'n'pray weapon. Plus, I'm not sure how useful it would even be at high levels. The rev up second before its effective would mean your target escapes easy, and the slow movement means its easy to grenade a guy holding a turret. Basically it would only be useful if your team is already dominating the other team and you just use it to hold them down in their spawns. And before somebody comes in and whines "BUT ROKITS IS NO SKILL 2 MLG IS DUM!" like somebody does in pretty much every MLG weapon discussion thread, rockets have much more limited ammo than a turret does, but the threat is enough to force map movement to control them. A turret on the other hand, has 200 bullets no matter what, which lasts quite a long time. Plus, as I said before, it isn't very useful unless you're already winning because you won't be winning any 1v1 battles with it or even doing effective teamshot on a target that can move around the map.
If the turret was in an open place, I mean were someone on each team will always be looking? The person is likely to die pretty soon, but still taken damage. Then others can try get it.
SMGs and ARs aren't "No-skill" weapons, in fact, it takes ALOT more skill to kill someone with a BR with an SMG or AR then it does with a BR. BR's are skill-less weapons, you simply continue to aim at someone's head, 70% of the time, you beat them (unless you totally fail).
Please don't turn this into a BR vs AR thread. MLG's gametype designers have a big enough problem with the BR/SMG that when one of the last map pack's maps included a single SMG with limited ammo, they immediately stopped the test session to replace it with a PR. Let's leave it at that, MLG does not, and will not, accept bullet hose weapons. I probably should have just said that above, but I prefer to know and discuss the reasons behind the facts.
Well tbh, draco is right, it doesnt take a great amount of skill to br, but im not saying ar, or pr or any others do, its aim and shoot, same with a turret, you aim and shoot, and with the slow speed acustom with turret you wont be making any pro mlg jumps or getting any ninjas, its an easy kill weapon but in return you get slow speed and short jumps.
i dont think it would be a good idea because 1 turret guy moves slow and gets killed easily. 2 if the turret guy gets in a good position then its easy kills and plus there are tons of bullets in it
1 That is a con 2 That is a pro, It can be lethal just like any other weapon. Its like sniper, the reticle is small, but it can give lethal damage. All weapons have pro's & con's. This is the same as any other weapon. It is strong, but it makes you slow and prone to attack, even turn speed is reduced.
There has been some talk to put a clipless AR into the map on a high respawn in the middle, but the problem is it kills too fast with the increased damage. The turret would be even worse.
It takes more skill to use a slow turning, slow wind up turret that limits movement than it does to kill someone in 4 shots with a Br. And don't tell others not to make it into a Br Vs Ar thread, because you were the first to bring it up.
I dont like things in MLG, such as 80% of its population is inhibited by twats, but I put up with it and imo it improves gameplay, I love kicking a twats ass, especially when ive kicked there ass the whole match and decide to teabag whenever they get one of the little kills on me. The turret is strong but is loud, you see the bullets easily, if the map has lots of cover then you can duck in cover so easily out of the turrets way. The turret probally has 6 kills max, thats if the person is smart, juggles the turret into a good position and kills people.
Actually, SMGs/ARs are theoretically fine, I believe. The problem is that no map will fit that well enough for them to be the right weapon for the job. The reason a turret wouldn't be allowed is because it slows down gameplay. Even if you designed the whole map so that it was fair weapon-wise, it would slow it down too much for it to be considered MLG.
As in you walk slow so it must slow down gameplay. You cant say that, from my knowlage this hasnt been tested. The turret would be a power weapon & they pace up gameplay.
That doesn't give it an excuse to slow down gameplay. Theoretically if you ran at the same speed as everyone, sure. It could be considered, maybe. But you don't. There's a reason there's no equipment in MLG, and it's not "because Halo 2 didn't have it". If I throw a power drainer around a corner, do I run straight into it? If I throw a regen down, do I proceed to run out of it? etc.
I dont understand how power drains and regens have anything to do with this? I understand your saying you wouldnt run into a powerdrain (obv it would drain you) and you wouldnt run out a regen (you are in a more powerfull position) because they are tatical items. It is classed as a power weapon because of its high power, its just a less deadly power weapon, its like rockets give an instant kill with one bullet, so does the snipe, so does the sword, the turret is just a different level of power, it has alot of bullets and a fast fire rate, this will instantly interest any MLG player, it offers at least 6 easy kills if used well. Like rockets and snipes, it will use skill to get the kills, due to your slow mobility your more prone to easy sticks, easier kills.
I think I'm gonna throw up. Am I reading this right? The AR takes more skill than a BR, and a BR takes no skill? I'm not feeling well...