Mongoose4course This is the forth in the series, and may be that last. As of three it wasn't released to the public on Forge Hub. But it is available (File share). I'm doing this kinda quick, so I didn't feel like pictures, so why not a film? No scrolling, just watching, relaxing, and watching my fastest time to date. This course, is different than the others. I made this one with a theme, and not a obstacle course-ish theme. The theme is an ODST part of the city, theres building everywhere, and you work you way the top very center skyscraper. Enjoy. [Bungievid]98536099[/Bungievid] Just in case you can't watch this, here's a download link, or you can try and watch in on Mongoose4course : DOWNLOAD LINK Goose Course V2 : GAMETYPE Spoiler Mongoose Course Center
Well pictures are not an opinion. You have to have at least one. It's the rules of FH. I would suggest a site like
My bad. I didn't realize that you could have a video in place of pics. I just got a mac and I didn't have a video player installed yet. I just got the video player installed and now I can see the video. It actually looks pretty fun. I am a fan of mongoose obstacle courses and would like to try this. Good job.
I think the map looks fun and enjoyable. I love Mongoose Courses. whether they be for dkill or fun. I like the ODST theme also. Great job. You should make a fifth with Gears of War 2 theme or Assasins Creed. Keep forging!
I feel that pictures should be required at all times. My computer won't run those videos. I can't very well rate it without anything to look at. No DL I guess.
Yer, nice one again Sniper King. Oh yer, are you going to make that ghost course? And if any of you cant see this video, its in his fileshare!
From the video it looks like an awesome course. Giving it a theme like that really makes it feel so much better than all the other ones you see out there. Definitely my favourite one.
I can't watch Microsoft Silverlight (I'm on a mac), so either upload it to youtube, or go get 5 or so pics plz. Thanks.
dang this thing looks challenging. the pallet bridge, the jumps, teh zigzagzz.... and you made it all super clean too. nice job on this broski, you've got my dl