Jahara Jahara is my first map using the Ghost Merging technique. The map is made almost entirely with Ghost Merging and Interlocking. All scenery objects are 100% interlocked creating a smooth and well presented map. The map size is small to medium as I hit the hard item limit much earlier than I expected. The original map was intended to be about another third the size and be aimed at team based gametypes. When I started out two weeks ago my idea seemed new and fresh. As Jahara was being made a few similar maps have cropped up over the internet. Im hoping Jahara has enough to stand out amongst these. The map is based on a cave / excavation theme. I have blocked off Sandbox's missile turrets and built the structure out in the sand. I have used the sand to give Jahara a nice gradient to its floor. The cave walls are built from Double Blocks and Huge Blocks to keep the feel of the map. The main layout of the map is based on an open Artrium with connecting caves and corridors. Jahara is setup only for Free-For-All gametypes (Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, VIP and Infection). In my opinion Juggernaut and Oddball work best. Weapon List 4 x Carbine - 30 secs 2 x Carbine - 60 secs 2 x Spikers - 30 secs 2 x Plasma Rifles - 30 secs 2 x Plasma Pistols - 30 secs 1 x Energy Sword - 180 secs 4 x Spike Grenade - 60 secs 1 x Regenerator - 120 secs 1 x Bubbleshield - 120 secs 1 x Active Camo - 180 secs This is version one of Jahara. When I have gathered feedback I will probably make a version two. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Please Download and Rate. Thanks Link to Map
your DL links aren't working, sir. Im looking forward to downloading it once you have them up and running.
i love this map no cliping used to the best of its potential everything is so crisp and clean just from pics it looks amazing man no cliping is giving us amazing map will download and comment on gameplay /10 overall 5/5 aesthetics _/5 gameplay
Sorry guys, not sure how that happened, must have been where i copy pasted links from my post on another forum, they should work now, thanks for the comments.
this map looks very well made and lovely use of the ghost merge, however considering that its not that big (due to the object limit) is it really neccissary to have 6 carbines? and also if oddball is a recommended gametype, does both a regen and a bubble shield work considering the size and the fact that they could easily block off a whole hallway. But overall good forging and nice layout 3.5/5
The map has not had massive amounts of testing yet. The Carbines are placed so that you can grab one easily where ever you spawn, many people love to have a BR or Carbine at all times. Im not sure if the equipment will cause an issue, if feedback is negative for them i will remove one for the version 2. Thanks for the feedback guys.
Wow I really love how you used the natural slopes of the dunes to create a floor for your map! I have never seen a sandbox map that uses this technique and I think it gives it a certain uniqueness that makes it stand out from the rest. Great job =)
Very nice looking map, even the outside looks neat! Lots of people are making maps in the dessert so its always nice to see everyones creations. I dont think i have seen a cave map thats not just meant for infeciton, sooooo pretty cool. Got my download.
wow. i love how ghost merging has really allowed everyone to use sandbox to its full potential. this map looks amazing! seriously i love how you made it in the dunes great idea. in fact such a great idea i was thinking of making a desert themed infection. hmmmmmmm anywho back to your map: I love the looks. im too lazy to spell the a word right now but thats what ima say haha ill try and get around to download it sometime soon and give you some actually worth while feedback. in the mean time it looks very nice kudos
I love the merging that you took into account in this map, especially the outside look of it. Most cave maps only concentrate on the inside look, but this has a great inside and exceptional cave-looking outside to it too. Excellent job!
wow very nice! i like your use of what i assume ghost merging and the interlocking is clean. lets hope it plays as well as it looks. but do the guardians fire at the walls of the map cos that gets annoying... but anyway, a download, i cant wait to play it!!
Sorry, should have explained this in the thread, i have blocked off the missile turrets with y intersections, you can hear the missiles in the distance but that is as much as they interfere with play. Ive wanted to build a map out in the dunes for a long time but before ghost merging was discovered it would have taken far too long, as soon as i learned GMing i decided to do it.
It was great to see this map in the making, as usual eh, Paranoia. It was also rather fun to stir up the trouble during the making along with other things. I'm not sure if I can call this your 'best' work, it's certainly up there with your others but Sacrifice was my favourite by far. Only thing that bugs me really is where the Camo spawns... P.S. Shame on those of you who let this reach page 2 so quickly!
finally got around to testing this, don't get me wrong, its beautiful to look at, but the game play is very vanilla. A second level, or some ledges might spice things up, but as it is, the map is basically just a big loop with barely any cover. The weapon layout basically ensures that its all carbines unless you have the sword, which is pretty useless unless you have the invisibility (since there is basically no cover).
Thank you for your comment, and i take no offense by it all, as stated in the description I hit the object limit much much earlier than expected, i had to basically settle for two thirds of the final map and keep additional cover etc at a minimal. The final map was intended to be much larger with an additional outer corridor opening the map up for larger scale engagements.