The inspiration for this map is "The Hollow" & "Schism of Light" This map may turn into a joint project if Given to Fly is down for helping me. Well im sure ya'll know those other 2 maps and can kinda imagine a collaboration of the 2. But here is 2 teaser pics of my middle section. This will use the v3 of conquest because well i like it the most but im sure i will fit in v5 also. Temple side, it won't be deep trust me i don't want camping. Waterfall yes thats right a waterfall The waterfall has a shallow pool to keep people from trying to hide in it and the fall itself is only like an inch away from the wall. Well this is going to be full fledged conquest map with good aesthetic appeal and great gameplay, tell me what ya'll think and feedback is appreciated.
I like what you are thinking, and I don't know if I'll help yet, because I still need to focus on finishing my conquest map (Dont worry peeps, its not a cave) lol and all I really need to do is finish cover, add weapon placements, spawns, fix territories, test, change up weapon placement, test, test, change weapon placement, test, test, post. It may take a while on second thought. Anyway I'll help with a couple things around the map here and there, you don't have to give me creater status either if you don't want, all depends on what I do i guess.
well really all i need is your critique on how you got your wall/flooring so smooth ect lol so if your busy you don't have to actually help with the forging but i would like to know your thoughts and all that.
Ooh I'm likin it! We certainly have some great Conquest maps coming up (isn't that right, Given to Fly?). No matter how many cave themed maps I see, I don't think it'll get tired of them. I'm glad you are finding ways to make it unique in your own way. Feel free to invite me once you get to the point of weapons/territories/spawns!
Will do Gunner, idk if you have seen Nickthemans new conquest map but its pretty sick and its old school map not sanbox or mythic. And on the note of new maps don't you got like 5 or something like that? lol man my xbox is gona be full of maps for a while.